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liquidshell is a basic Desktop Shell implemented using QtWidgets.

Main Features:
- Wallpaper per virtual desktop
- Weather, Disk Usage, Picture Frame Applets (per virtual desktop or on all)
- No animations, low memory and CPU footprint
- Instant startup
- QtWidgets based, therefore follows widget style from systemsettings
- Icons are used from your globally defined icon theme from systemsettings
- Colors are used from your globally defined color theme from systemsettings
- Can additionally be styled with css by passing the commandline option -stylesheet filename.css
(see included example stylesheet.css)
- uses existing KDE Frameworks dialogs for most configurations, e.g. StartMenu, Virtual Desktops, Bluetooth, Network
- Just one bottom DesktopPanel, containing:
StartMenu (allowing drag of entries into konqueror/dolphin to configure QuickLaunch or AppMenu entries)
QuickLaunch (showing icons for .desktop files from a configurable folder)
AppMenu (showing .desktop files in a menu from a configurable folder, defaults to users desktop folder)
Pager (for switching virtual desktops)
WindowList (Popup showing all open windows on all desktops)
TaskBar (showing windows on the current desktop, allowing drag of an entry onto the Pager to move to a different desktop)
SysLoad widget including CPU, Memory, Swap and Network bars, live updated tooltip
SysTray with integrated Network-, Notifications-, Device Notifier-, Bluetooth-, Battery- display.
It also features PackageKit software updates integration.
The DeviceList also shows devices connected and paired with KDEConnect.
Display of StatusNotifier items from other applications (no legacy embedded icons yet).
Notifications kept in a history list for some minutes, including timestamp and text selectable per mouse
(very handy for copy/paste of TAC numbers from online banking received via SMS and transferred to KDE
via kdeconnect)
Clock widget (with calendar popup, tooltip for selected cities)
Last changelog:


added PictureFrame applet

Ratings & Comments



10 am i very interested to this project i have few problems. i have installed liquidshell stand alone (without plasma) using aur package, so the lock screen and the shutdown button dont lauch anityng ¿how can fix it? ¿how i can reduce the heigh of the panel ? ¿can i change the theme? ¿can have an application search in the menu or in the panel (like equinox desktop ) itself? sorry if i am doing dumb question but i want to use liquid shell as my desktop , using pekwm wm is actually pretty good


The Lock/Logout buttons just send a DBus message the org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver service (lock button) or to the org.kde.ksmserver service (logout button). if that does not work for you, then I assume ksmserver is not running and no other program provides this service on the session DBus. ksmserver is "The reliable Plasma session manager that talks the standard X11R6 session management protocol (XSMP)". Would be interesting to know what your system uses instead for the session management. "how i can reduce the heigh of the panel ": You can define a size limit with a .css file. E.g. I have the following file /home/koller/liquidshell.css which contains: DesktopPanel { min-height: 65px; max-height: 65px; } Then I told liquidshell to use it via changing ~/.config//autostart/org.kde.liquidshell.desktop to have the Exec line as Exec=liquidshell -stylesheet /home/koller/liquidshell.css "can i change the theme" yes. liquidshell uses the color and icon theme you defined via systemsettings "can have an application search in the menu or in the panel" This is not implemented. I simply use the KDE feature via "Alt-F2" or "Run Command" from the "Start Menu"


thanks for the answer, i using not session manager (like lightdm?) at all. so it is possible to implement some apps search bar ? or is something not possible, the times that i asked for this to lxde said that is not possible to implement that.


"possible" is a lot - it's a matter of "need". Since KDE already provides a search mechanism by using the "Run Command" action in the "Start" menu (krunner), I see no reason to duplicate that functionality in liquidshell again.


well , i think it is very handy since lxqt do that even you can use a run command too , maybe becouse use less steps to start a program is more easy ? i mean that is why i dont like gnome , i mean it force to me to make two steps to launch a program instead of one. i relly sorry if i am being kinda annoying


So how do you envision such a search feature ? How would it look like, what would it do in a way that requires less typing/clicking ?


is kinda a matter of habit, is something that i still have from windows desktop , i mean just start the windows menu search for an app and enter to start it, that is when i already know the name of the app and i dont need to search manually through the menu. oh i know what to do just a shortcut just have to press the windows key to launch run comand and that would be all -btw what is the diference using qtwidget isntead of qml ¿the qt-widgets dont need a xml languaje to make the interface?¿are the qml interface renderized through a engine like a web page ?


i mean like in real time that is because are kde are heavy and slow to the startup ?


plasmashell for me was unusable. Too slow to start, too much overhead in memory and CPU footprint, fancy things I did not need. I wanted a quick and stable desktop shell which was configurable via systemsettings using color schemes and icon themes.


can i use lxsession with plasma shell ?


I haven't tried it, but since lxsession is - according to the man page - " A session manager is used to automatically start a set of applications and set up a working desktop environment." so I assume you can somehow get it to start liquidshell. But I fear the logout button will not work, since this currently sends a DBus message to org.kde.ksmserver and I assume lxsession will not provide this interface. But if you can tell me which DBus interface lxsession uses, I can add that to the logout action.


i wan to use less plasma as possible


There is a shortcut already: Alt F2 or Alt Space (not sure if these are the defaults) but you can change the shortcut to your liking via systemsettings - Shortcuts. ad difference QtWidgets/QML: different technology. QML using openGL, QtWidgets don't. I did write liquidshell with QtWidgets since I'm used to this and have never used QML and see no advantage in doing so. To the contrary - whenever I touched openGL it gave me troubles. And for a simple desktop shell, I see no need having fancy graphics


and how i can set a windows manager for liquid shell i mean what i do is first open pekwm an then liquidshell but how i can set a windows manager for liquidshell


I don't understand the question. A window manager and a desktop shell like liquidshell are two separate things. liquidshell uses KDE libs to "talk" to / interact with the window manager, but liquidshell does not start it or does otherwise not know anything about it.


/usr/bin/start_liquidshell: line 40: /usr/bin/startplasma-x11: No such file or directory this is what it gave me when i tray to start liquidshell by start_liquidshell, so to use it i start first pekwm through startx, and then start liquidshell inside of pekwm


start_liquidshell is just a script which ensures to disable plasmashell and enable liquidshell instead when starting KDE. But I understand your comment that you now have a solution, which is great


maybe is because i dont have kwin installed ?


9 9 excellent


Going to try it out. Are there any updates?


The latest source is always here


9 +


9 Wow


Are you using KMix or is it some kind of pa-applet?


I'm using kmix.

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version 1.4
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 2

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