The file has to be placed in either /opt/kde3/share/apps/ksmserver/pics (systemwide) or $HOME/.kde3/share/apps/ksmserver/pics (changes the icon for one user).
Please rename the original picture of konqi before you copy mine into this directory or else it will be lost.
I run 1280x1024 and the size in the download works fine for me. For smaller resolutions just click on the two previews and save the pic. (The black background is really transparent. You'll see when you click on one of the previews.)
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To get the system to use the KDM from KDE3, change the last line of /etc/inittab file from the default of x:5:respawn:/etc/X11/prefdm -nodaemon to x:5:respawn:/opt/kde3/bin/kdm -nodaemon
I have KDE3 on Debian (compiled by myself) an I only get the logout option :(, How can I get the Shutdown and REboot?, ah i don't have any picture :( I only can configure the default action when logout (restart or logout or shutdown) in kde control center
...can't help you there. My SuSE 8.0 has these options by default. Don't know how they got there. Again: Sorry. Maybe someone else can help?
I compiled kde from source as well. Mine is worse as menu transparency doesn't work. Please let me know if you find a solution.
Hiya. Are you using KDM? I also run Debian and didn't have this fancy logout menu. (Either from 2.2.2 in unstable or the 3.0 I compiled). Once I started using KDM I got this fancy menu thing. Nice. I'll offer no advice on running KDM on Debian though as it's always been a problem for me.
You can change/edit the logout-screen in the Control Center of KDE3
You have to use the KDM that comes with KDE 3 to get the extended options in the logout screen. Maybe you still use KDM version 2.x?
Would be nice if you could also put up a smaller version. thanks.
A new idea! Great job!