Description: I spotted this cool GNOME theme named Gorillaz and I was wondering if someone tried to make a KDE port of it... I think it's good looking and different from all the OSX-like stuff... Perhaps also something like the Orbit GTK/Mozilla theme would be nice...
Kinda offtopic, but still I'd like to ask: what GTK theme are you using in the last screenshot? I think your GIMP looks great.
Would it be possible for you to mail me/reply here?
Thanks in advance.
Well, I think someone already "ported" it to kde as pngs, but the quality was a bit low (because the original where svg I belive).
But you can do it by yourself. Just get a SVG program, the gorilla gnome icon theme and convert it for KDE, saving as png with the right names.
I found the icon theme here on kde-look, I'll give it a try... but I was also interested in the window decoration, which I think no one has ported yet...
Have created a window decoration compatibillity layer for ICE wm themes because they are simple to port. But Sawfish/Metacity themes are more complex and it would be a nightmare to port. If more developers were to develop more compatibillity layers with other WM's/toolkits then we will be able to have a whole lot more themes avalible for KDE without having to port them. KDE supports GTK1 themes but its unrelibale :(.
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Kinda offtopic, but still I'd like to ask: what GTK theme are you using in the last screenshot? I think your GIMP looks great. Would it be possible for you to mail me/reply here? Thanks in advance.
Well, I think someone already "ported" it to kde as pngs, but the quality was a bit low (because the original where svg I belive). But you can do it by yourself. Just get a SVG program, the gorilla gnome icon theme and convert it for KDE, saving as png with the right names.
This supposing you're talking about the icon theme gorilla, sure.
I found the icon theme here on kde-look, I'll give it a try... but I was also interested in the window decoration, which I think no one has ported yet...
Have created a window decoration compatibillity layer for ICE wm themes because they are simple to port. But Sawfish/Metacity themes are more complex and it would be a nightmare to port. If more developers were to develop more compatibillity layers with other WM's/toolkits then we will be able to have a whole lot more themes avalible for KDE without having to port them. KDE supports GTK1 themes but its unrelibale :(.