ObjectDock for KDE?

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I think it'll be cool to have something like this in KDE... the amazing part is that it uses Crystal icons, so it's probably the most KDEish windows app ever

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NOTE: the site pointed to is a closed source, non-free windows centric site using gpl software: are they providing the source code for the files? or More correctly shouldn't someone from the gnu foundation let them know what responsibilities they might have here?


looks like stardock yoinked crystal to use in this 'dock' thingie. blech. it's just a screenshot.


if is true that someone is already working on an postscript extension of X "Where there is a Will there is Way"


I don't think this can be done right now. Mac uses Display Postscript to render its GUI stuff; those animated icons are, I believe, dynamically resized. I don't think X has the capability to do this. However, I also believe someone is working on a postscript extension to X.


This debate could easily be ended if the panel included an icon size variable like the desktop. A setting that allwed you to control the icon zoom size in the panel would also be nice. The basic functionality of the kicker wouldn't have to change and a miriad of applet icons in various sizes could easily be created to populate the panel with whichever size icon setting the user selects. For those that hate the apple panel, the kicker wouldn't change it's functionality. For those that want the eyecandy large icons, it another user configurable option. This shouldn't be to hard to implement because icon scaling is already built into the panel.


Read this article to find out why this is not a good idea: http://www.asktog.com/columns/044top10docksucks.html Reza Pakdel Chief Editor http://www.ratedpc.com


Come on now if ur going to go that way about it How bout Microsoft copy apple, wich copy from xerox and so on what kind of logic is that nobody is original we r talking on how it looks and their icons I would not like to be or look like others maybe u like to be follower and copier in other styles I just hope KDE does not


Microsoft has some very nice (gui) features and i'm sure Mac OSX also has some very nice features that KDE doesn't have. But what is wrong with implementing those great features into KDE?! And with implementing there's also room for improvement.


yes Im not going to deny that but, visual styles or looks no I would not like KDE to do that,just the same some in the Winblows community said about tranparency a couple of years ago that it would never be accomplished in X now is there not as good as some others but they keep breaking barriers.


Why shouldn't a Desktop look(be) as good as possible?


I love kde and the originality it brings why do people always want to copy to another OS if u like the look of it why don t u get that OS isnt that the reason u use KDE to be different I hope that the KDE community keeps bringing original Ideas instead of copying from another system.


If anyone wanted to use KDE because it's original, they must have missed a few things... KDE has windowmanager with a border and some buttons to minimize, maximize and close that window. How ORIGINAL is that? What about buttons, toolbars, menubars, dropdown boxes, DRAG and DROP, trashcans on the desktop, tray icons, the K-menu, sound events, the kicker and you name it. How ORIGINAL is that? Originality is not the reason i use KDE. To me, the perfect Desktop Environment would be the best from all worlds. What could be better than to pick all the best features and eye candy from the shelves and put them in one big (bloated) package? If you want originality, take a look at the Ion windowmanager


pardon my ignorance, but to me this screenshot is just an ordinary, transparent kicker with icons in different sizes...?! But i'm pretty sure the well hidden functionality has super-cow powers. Can someone tell me/other non-windows/macosx users about the features of the ObjectDock?


I think that the idea of this is not a transparent kicker, but an icon zooming that zooms the focused icon to maximum and the sourrounding icons a bit, like a fade in fade out of the icon zooming. I bet it could be really nice, but I don't like any icon zooming (but I never goes against new features).


The OSX dock looks nice on a ppc. But it have some problems: it is used as a taskbar and as a launchers container (for applications and links to folders or www). You can do this on KDE (without the animations, of course. KDE bars have more utilities (applets) than OSX dock, and it will make very hard to integrate these applets with the 'zooming' effects. If you only wish a 'animated launcher' it will have a hotkey (or similar) to easily show/hide this container. The most important is: Don't copy this OSX feature, it will be very hard to integrate with KDE design. Note by a OSX (me): i switched OFF the 'zooming' effect. It's very easy to activate the zooming with mouse when you try to click a button on bottom windows frames!


It's gets my vote! Kicker DESPERATLY needs re-coding... I see a lot of sujestions for a new style, but to me, yes it looks like the OS X one, but it works, and as well as function is eye-candy... No matter what, people like eyecandy! And why not... Otherwise we'd all be working constantly in console! However all this said, I think theres way to much "New Ideas" on kde look, that are just GIMP creations, not actual working code, and there getting high ratings, and nothing done to create them.... Think its about time to stop all the new ideas, pick one, code it, and use it! Thats my take :-D


Also I think this feature would be beautiful. Noticer only that it would be a carbon copy of the MacOSX Dock Panel! Fantastic, but not original.


it's nothing original, but if many people like it, it could be an option... maybe not yhe default one :)


That would be so nice, indeed !

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