->don't forget to switch off kicker before modifying the ~/.kbfx/config file
(killall kicker) make sure you put the full paths to the images.
set this values as shown :
to restart kicker on konsole-> nohup kicker &
apply the background to your kicker (height 30 px) disable the applets pickers
any comment will be welcome

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Ratings & Comments
Keep up the good work! I managed to use your kbfx button. The question is: How can I make all my panel (and taskbar) to look like the one in the screenshot (blue, shining and with the gradient)?
Ok, I've found out myself.
Could you tell me how? thx chekitnow123
looks nice,Good job.
But why ? Why done so win*ows-XP-like designe ?
why to use windows? why to use drag n' drop desktop ? why to use alt+F4 to close windows why to use control panel? why to use systray? why to use window list? why to use a menu? why to use etc etc etc... don't go that way.. cheers