Keramik Kicker Skin
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
To install just cp -R * ~/.kde/share/apps/kicker/. or copy to wherever you keep your kde config stuff.
To use these images open Control Center to LookNFeel --> Panel --> Look & Feel. Set background image to ~/.kde/share/apps/kicker/wallpapers/keramik_kicker.png. Then enable background tiles and select keramik_start for K-Menu, keramik_big_button_middle for Application Launcher. Now you need to select keramik_big_button_left background tile for an icon from the Desktop Access, Legacy, Quickbrowser, or Window List classes. Place that icon just to the right of K-Menu. Do something similar for keramik_big_button_right and place that as your rightmost icon.
To use these images open Control Center to LookNFeel --> Panel --> Look & Feel. Set background image to ~/.kde/share/apps/kicker/wallpapers/keramik_kicker.png. Then enable background tiles and select keramik_start for K-Menu, keramik_big_button_middle for Application Launcher. Now you need to select keramik_big_button_left background tile for an icon from the Desktop Access, Legacy, Quickbrowser, or Window List classes. Place that icon just to the right of K-Menu. Do something similar for keramik_big_button_right and place that as your rightmost icon.
Ratings & Comments
amazing. But, i like your window decorations. Where i can get these?
go download latest version of keramic. its there.
Great job! This will be the new kicker skin on all of my machines. Can't thank you enough!
I like this! Looks great (using the RH 8.0 pre-installed Keramik). One suggestion, how about a background wallpaper image in the deeper blue color, much like the keramik_start image. That would help out the way I have my kicker setup. Could do it myself, sure, but thought I would post this in case you make another set. Keep this up, it's a great addition to Keramik!
do you apply this on KDE 3.1? I can only choose between default tiles, like Green/Red/Blue Wood etc. I couldn't find the KDE 3.0 style tile selector, where you just pick a file to use as a tile.
Check and see if the files made it to your ~/.kde/share/apps/kicker/ or perhaps it should be in ~/.kde3/... or similar.
I figured it out. Had to copy all the .png's to /usr/kde/3.1/share/apps/kicker/tiles :)
I like your desktop background as well, can you make it available somewhere?? :)
You can find branded acqua rei here: http://www.kdelook.org/usermanager/search.php?username=skyshadow
Well, that one goes well with the new default theme :P But how does it work with different sizes?