here's a preview of new default web page design i'm preparing to launch.
i believe it's finally good constellation

suggestions welcome...
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
- added url to site version which is the subject to change
- repaired the url to
Ratings & Comments
Can it be done better then this?? Gues not! It's perfect!
thank you for your compliments! maybe yes? have a look to other color schemes...
I like it, but is it going to be dynamic at all?
it'll be probably generated from xml+xslt using php to xhtml 1.0 and css. for sure it'll be valid xhtml and css and no table layout...
Yes, another color choice thread... BUT... I think it's a good idea to have the colors be a bit "drab" (if I may...). I think it makes the art presented on the page stand out that much more. I personally like it. Now, if it was a "news" site or something along those lines, I doubt I would feel the same way, but with an "art" site, I think it's a wise choice for the page itself to NOT distract from the art. For instance in the sample shots above, there's a thumbnail of some blue-ish blob sphere looking thing (plase no flames if it's not "blue", I'm color blind...). If the colors on the site were yellows, blues, etc., you wouldn't even really notice the thumnail since the page would be distracting your attention too much. In the examples up there, you see that inage almost instantly. Just my 2 cents.
this is nice, but not so exciting as other previews i had seen .. what happened to the orange page? I loved that! fred
could u point me to that one u liked most? btw: there will be the color chooser option i mentioned above and don't worry, orange will be there too ;) how i see, now we have to vote which colour scheme should be the default. what do u think about it? is it possible to make a poll here at options could be: - grayscale - yellow - red - orange - blue - green - other - i don't care
Can you send me the screenshots-links for the different colors? Thank you Frank
Post the screenshots, so anyone can discuss about it!
will be available during the weekend. cheers luci
Ok, Ilike the design. But what about some colors? I think that gray in sites is not enough. Baybe the borders or the writings in blue or in green...
yes, i expected someone will ask such a question :) i made it in b&w shades only, because there was almost a flame war in kde-artists mailing list about the "which colors we like to have in default design each other" ;) so i decided to let user choose his/her favorite color scheme. maybe the whole site could use various themes or be themeable, but this is a secondary case... now we speak about the default look and feel.