Description: Trashcan icon becomes a toilet. Falls back to oxygen set for everything else. Individual icons for empty and full. (seat goes down when full)
Plus flush sound effect for empty trash sound. style instructions included. Tested on KDE4.4.5 should be fine for other 4.x.
Rename "Trash" "Toilet" in Dolphin (or whatever you like) for full effect.
Please note this modifies one system sound. All artwork is original.Last changelog:
16/8/2010 Turned into proper icon set, now only the flush sound is hacked in. Not sure how else to change system sounds.
To be honest I didn't think of it. I may do that in the future so as upgrading icon sets won't replace them with the standard trash (I actuallly think the oxygen set is great, couldn't resist the pun). I guess the sound could be done the same way too. Seems so obvious after someone points it out. I'm still pretty inexperienced with KDE so comments like this are great, thanks.
Ratings & Comments
you have forget the GNOME logo on it... -->[]
Huh? Not sure I follow.
Why do you modify the osygen theme? Why not use a separate theme (with just this one icon) that inherits oxygen?
To be honest I didn't think of it. I may do that in the future so as upgrading icon sets won't replace them with the standard trash (I actuallly think the oxygen set is great, couldn't resist the pun). I guess the sound could be done the same way too. Seems so obvious after someone points it out. I'm still pretty inexperienced with KDE so comments like this are great, thanks.
Done. Except I couldn't figure out a less hacky way for sound. Thanks again for advice.