Description: After becoming very frustrated with my physics mid session exam preparation, I decided to create an xmms skin which complimented my desktop - i have been stuck with a rather ugly one for quite a while.
My theme was inspired by Knifty ( by ceebx and plastik also by ceebx!! (NICE ceebx ).
I have used the 'chaos' xmms skin as a base for my skin, but thats about it (besides the shuffle icon!). the rest came from imagination and a couple of screenshots from my desktop.
I really hope you guys enjoy my skin and provide info on how i can improve it!
*** 22 Jun - I plan to release a couple of modified versions of this skin, including a `silver/grey' version. If you are looking for any colours in particular, give me a shout.Last changelog:
--- 1.50 --- - Transparency and curved edges. (Thanks to Florian Merz from the ballistik modification for finding the correct points)
--- 1.30 --- - Buttons are now more accurate (includes a maximise/minimise difference). - Changed the titlebar fonts, not so blurry anymore. - changed the progressbar.
--- 1.21 --- Changed the window title names, so plastik has become xmms/playlist/equaliser.
--- 1.2 --- I have changed the windows to be a little more consistent and complementary to each other, fixing up gradients in the titlebars and the windows. I have also made the windows square rather than rounded until i learn how to use transparency with the skins.
--- 1.1 --- Added the progress bar when there is no file loaded or file is stopped.
Winamp has this skin-files, called *.wsz.
Xmms can also use these.
Howto from
1) With the Zip compression tool of your choice, zip YOUR skin folder (not the Winamp "Skins" folder)into a .ZIP file.
2) Rename the new file's extension from .ZIP to .WSZ.
3) Test it by removing your skin folder, then placing your .WSZ into the Winamp "Skins" folder.
4) Run Winamp, then press Alt-S to access the Skin browser. If you see your skin, then everything worked correctly.
So perhaps it would be a bit more comfort to provide a .wzs to use the skin without extracting it. Just a proposal. ;-)
BTW: Skin's very nice, so I voted gooood! :-)
That's cooooool, you know! :) I really like it - superb, very cute and smooth.
Thank you very much!
P.S. How about changing changelog's flow direction? :-) I found it easier to track down, if the latest version's changelog is always top.
Another issue I just noticed is with the playback scrollbar. When its at the beginning or end it covers up the very far ends of the groove which it lies in and the groove doesn't look complete. I think this has to do with your transarency issues. I think you should be able to make the scrollbar grip thing transparent on the edges so that you can have it drawn directly over the groove. In addition, I think that the groove is too long for the scroller, its hard to tell if we are at the very beginning or end of a song.
Another thing I noticed is that the title bar text is extremely blurry. Especially the playlist title text. What are you using to anti-alias the text?
This is very nice, now I can have xmms match my kde style. I have one problem however. I don't think that the window title should read Plastik. Thats not intuitive at all; I'm not running a program called Plastik, I'm running xmms. Using the Plastik window decoration doesn't plaster the word "Plastik" in all my KWin titlebars. I don't think that this should either. If that were fixed, and the rounded edges, this would be perfect. Thanks.
And yes, XMMS supports transparancies. I wouls suggest hunting down some tutorials on Winamp skinning. I know Nullsoft has a very good step by step tutorial.
This is a great looking skin and I'm glad someone finally made a matching skin for Knifty and Plastic. There's only one problem, the progress bar doesn't show up! Fix that and it will be perfect. ;)
the progressbar doesn't show up when the song is stopped or even at beginning.. i think it is more nice if it is shown, because, more widgets of the nice plastic theme would be shown :)
your Kicker (if it is not Karamba) is really nice, KDE 3.2 will rock!
well, if it is Kicker, how did you add the separator bewteen Systray and Kicker-Buttons on the left side from the separator ?
i know. i plan to fix this int he next release its just that i dont think that xmms skins support transparencies. and if they do then i dont know how to use it :).
if it is possible, could somebody please let me know?
Ratings & Comments
great music taste!! :D nice skin too
could you make kolor sheme like in Chlorophilia good work!
nice skin. thanks a lot, i could never find an xmms skin i liked.
Heya, Great skin. How can you enable/disable transparency? or is it dependant on the theme that you use? Regards, -- Pokkkie
Winamp has this skin-files, called *.wsz. Xmms can also use these. ----- Howto from 1) With the Zip compression tool of your choice, zip YOUR skin folder (not the Winamp "Skins" folder)into a .ZIP file. 2) Rename the new file's extension from .ZIP to .WSZ. 3) Test it by removing your skin folder, then placing your .WSZ into the Winamp "Skins" folder. 4) Run Winamp, then press Alt-S to access the Skin browser. If you see your skin, then everything worked correctly. ----- So perhaps it would be a bit more comfort to provide a .wzs to use the skin without extracting it. Just a proposal. ;-) BTW: Skin's very nice, so I voted gooood! :-)
Actually, xmms doesn't require you to extract the tar ball to use the skin. You can use my file just as any .zip or .wsz :-D
Hi! That's cooooool, you know! :) I really like it - superb, very cute and smooth. Thank you very much! P.S. How about changing changelog's flow direction? :-) I found it easier to track down, if the latest version's changelog is always top.
Version 1.21 is looking really good! You should make a couple more colors. ;)
Another issue I just noticed is with the playback scrollbar. When its at the beginning or end it covers up the very far ends of the groove which it lies in and the groove doesn't look complete. I think this has to do with your transarency issues. I think you should be able to make the scrollbar grip thing transparent on the edges so that you can have it drawn directly over the groove. In addition, I think that the groove is too long for the scroller, its hard to tell if we are at the very beginning or end of a song. Another thing I noticed is that the title bar text is extremely blurry. Especially the playlist title text. What are you using to anti-alias the text?
i hope that version 1.30 makes you happier :)
Thanks. This looks great!
This is very nice, now I can have xmms match my kde style. I have one problem however. I don't think that the window title should read Plastik. Thats not intuitive at all; I'm not running a program called Plastik, I'm running xmms. Using the Plastik window decoration doesn't plaster the word "Plastik" in all my KWin titlebars. I don't think that this should either. If that were fixed, and the rounded edges, this would be perfect. Thanks.
done! changed the title names.
good work! keept it up - it`s amazing! thank you!
And yes, XMMS supports transparancies. I wouls suggest hunting down some tutorials on Winamp skinning. I know Nullsoft has a very good step by step tutorial.
This is a great looking skin and I'm glad someone finally made a matching skin for Knifty and Plastic. There's only one problem, the progress bar doesn't show up! Fix that and it will be perfect. ;)
what do you mean? my progress bar shows up?! which progress bar then?
Nevermind, I think something is wrong with my setup. Sorry.
the progressbar doesn't show up when the song is stopped or even at beginning.. i think it is more nice if it is shown, because, more widgets of the nice plastic theme would be shown :) your Kicker (if it is not Karamba) is really nice, KDE 3.2 will rock! well, if it is Kicker, how did you add the separator bewteen Systray and Kicker-Buttons on the left side from the separator ?
its neither kicker nor karamba, rather ksmoothdock search for it, it is here somewhere in
fits right in with my Desktop :) btw,, the rounded corners seems to be rather 'rough',
i know. i plan to fix this int he next release its just that i dont think that xmms skins support transparencies. and if they do then i dont know how to use it :). if it is possible, could somebody please let me know?
correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't that weird purple colour translate to transparent in xmms skins?
thanks p.s. finally knifty windecoration with working Titlebar-Fontshadow ;) well the Titlebar-fontshadow of Knifty's SuSE-RPM's doesn't work..
i comiled my knifty from source, with MDK 9.1, drop shadow works fine :)