New syntax highlighting for Sweave
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Sweave syntax highlighting for KDE Katepart: it uses R highlight for Sexpr, Scode and noweb chunks, and LaTeX highlight for the rest.
The original script (http://kde-files.org/CONTENT/content-files/50254-sweave.xml) has been modified including the whole "Kate highlighting module for LaTeX" in order to make possible the highlighting of Sweave code also when it is included in LaTeX math mode. Last changelog:
The original script (http://kde-files.org/CONTENT/content-files/50254-sweave.xml) has been modified including the whole "Kate highlighting module for LaTeX" in order to make possible the highlighting of Sweave code also when it is included in LaTeX math mode.
There is still a bug: using noweb chuncks within math mode, the higlight of the code after the chuck is not in math mode (using \\\\Scode{} and \\\\Sexpr{} there are no problems).
Anyone who can fix it (and make possible the highlighting of Sweave code in math mode without including here all the LaTeX module) is invited to fix it.
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