Note: This is not the standard Spinfinity plugin, it's just based on Spinfinity's code - according to the author: "...[this] is basically spinfinity plugin with your image as the background, but without the fedora logo and the throbber"
Howto install: ----------------- First of all you need the tools to build rpm, which should be Fedora's packages: [quote]rpm-build rpmdevtools[/quote] So install these two and you should be set.
Then download this archive and extract it, then you need to build this rpm, so issue this command: [quote]$ rpmbuild -bb rpmbuild/SPECS/plymouth.spec[/quote] and of course set your correct path to the SPECS/plymouth.spec. This should create the rpm in rpmbuild/RPMS/{your arch}/, so after this has finished, you just enter this command as root to install the theme: [quote]$ rpm -i rpmbuild/RPMS/{arch}/plymouth-plugin-spinfinity-0.6.0-0.2008.11.17.3.fc10.{arch}.rpm[/quote] where again you need to set the right path before the rpmbuild dir.
After that, you need to set it as the default plymouth theme, so do as root: [quote]$ plymouth-set-default-plugin spinfinity[/quote] and then you need to rebuild the initrd with the new plymouth settings, this is done as root by: [quote]$ /usr/libexec/plymouth/plymouth-update-initrd[/quote]
The last thing is to enable Plymouth if you already haven't it. You need to set the kernel boot parameters, so as root edit /boot/grub/grub.conf with kwrite for example [quote]$ kwrite /boot/grub/grub.conf[/quote] and you need to find the line of your actual kernel (usually it's the most upper section) and add to the end of line starting with kernel... parameters 'rhgb vga=792', something like this: [quote]kernel /boot/vmlinuz- ro root=UUID=a5ced134-5346-44b8-b794-a8dc03b856ce vga=792 quiet rhgb[/quote]
I'm glad to see some Plymouth stuff on here. I sent a message to Frank(one of the KDE-Look maintainers) about adding a Plymouth Plugin subsection under bootsplash, but haven't gotten a response yet :/ Maybe you can contact him or someone else on this matter in a better way.
As far as the splash, it certainly looks good from the pic, and I don't even have to run it to know what it will look like as I am familiar with the spinfinity plugin. Although I don't see any reason to attach the whole source tree(especially since other people using plymouth most likely have their own tree). Since this is simple an image replacement, I'd suggest just giving instructions on how to set spinfinity as the default plugin and simply provide a package that replaces the images since they are not compiled into the .so file but loaded at boot-time.
Well this isn't just about "changing background" as I understand it, this spinfinity plugin is customized a little bit. As I have stated at the beginning, I'm not the author of this, I just pulled the source and howto from the original custom spinfinity author, changed his background for mtax's and put it up here with his howto.
Try to make a diff to see, what has changed in this custom spinfinity plugin from the original one ;)
Ratings & Comments
I'm glad to see some Plymouth stuff on here. I sent a message to Frank(one of the KDE-Look maintainers) about adding a Plymouth Plugin subsection under bootsplash, but haven't gotten a response yet :/ Maybe you can contact him or someone else on this matter in a better way. As far as the splash, it certainly looks good from the pic, and I don't even have to run it to know what it will look like as I am familiar with the spinfinity plugin. Although I don't see any reason to attach the whole source tree(especially since other people using plymouth most likely have their own tree). Since this is simple an image replacement, I'd suggest just giving instructions on how to set spinfinity as the default plugin and simply provide a package that replaces the images since they are not compiled into the .so file but loaded at boot-time.
Well this isn't just about "changing background" as I understand it, this spinfinity plugin is customized a little bit. As I have stated at the beginning, I'm not the author of this, I just pulled the source and howto from the original custom spinfinity author, changed his background for mtax's and put it up here with his howto. Try to make a diff to see, what has changed in this custom spinfinity plugin from the original one ;)