Archax fbsplash theme
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
More Bootsplash Various from aimara:
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Ratings & Comments
If use fbsplash or gensplash, convert this theme with bootsplash2fbsplash. Now is online post for convert bootsplash theme in the fbsplash theme. link: Regards.
I can't get it working, I'm using openSuSE 10.2(All you Novell haters -- save it) I love your bootsplash screen and would really like to get it working any help would be appreciated
Would prefer to see an animated progress bar worthy of the background. Need your help aimara, maybe you can outline a dragon for me, if not i will google images for dragon tattoos. Leave the rest to me, but would appreciate your input. After all, it is your artwork, and I would love to see consistency in the style.
is trying an image?
it's nice good job but how the hell yuo can install this and for what is lilo oor grub all the boot splash have the same nobody out a how to
councils and suggestions on progress of the bar in silent mode are appreciate.
OMG! I have an idea that I guarantee will make your progress bar absolutely ROCK! email me at she_died AT yahoo DOT com, if u look at my Raiders you will get what I mean.
what more to tell ... :)
Very impressive, now I have to make a tough choice: do I ditch the bootsplash that I use (my own Raiders)? Grrrr (applauding at the same time for the concept) and I had a splash that was sooo close, you wouldn't believe it:
ghgh, there isn't question, you use my :P
I really like it, could include also a bigger version like 1600x1200?
if not ruin the resolution the quality of the image...yes to attend the next days Tnx for compliments