- Icons: https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1178976/
Based on Adwaita.
Especially thanks to the developers of this theme.
Wallpaper: https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1230818/
Colors: https://coolors.co/1e2033-272742-302c3f-af59fc-eaf9f9
Add Gedit colors scheme: /home/[USER]/.local/share/gedit/styles
please, any comments are welcome, please rate [+]

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This theme is great. In Gnome 3.36.1 I only have two issues: 1) The Ubuntu store becomes transparent for some reason with this theme turned on;
9 + awesome theme i love it !
9 +
Hey dev, can you please include xfwm4 theme too? It'll look perfect on xfce desktop :)
I'm using "Ubuntu Mate 18.04" but for some reason this theme will not install. I have placed it in the /usr/share/themes/ folder and it shows it under Appearance but wont actually load it up :/
Got it working but not sure how to get your colours.
Hi, I gonna check and i tell you :)
Hi, I gonna check and i tell you :)
9 soo special
9 woooow
how to install :(
Hi, 1. download and put them in [/usr/share/themes/] or [/home/USER/.local/share/themes/] 2. Install Tweaks (Gnome tweaks tool) open and select the theme. there are videos about (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TNvaqtVKLk)
Very nice piece of work man! Thanks for sharing it with us. What is your wallpaper? I am using the theme and I'd love to use the same wallpaper. Keep pushing in this work, it's amazing!
https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1230818/ ;)
A wallpaper with Sombra from Overwatch would also go great with this theme :D
on Gtk2, i think that must changed to gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color: #eeeff0"
Gtk2 dark ok :)
Great purple theme, though the chromium ui seems annoyingly blue, other than that the theme is perfect.
I think is the Gtk2, this weekend I'll bee working in it. thanks
This isn't working for xfce
Bloodybeast, I'll be working first in Gtk2 then I'll make xfce, can you tell me, what is it your OS. thanks
gtk2 i thought you couldn't run gtk2 anymore. gtk3? I'm in xfce Arch
I'm thinking about change active color purple to green, what do you think?