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Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Customized login theme for Linux.

0 Affiliates
version v1.0
downloads 24h 1
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 11
Other GDM Themes:
GDM Themes
For applying GDM themes, there is this tool:
Note Ubuntu uses LightDM, so you would need to switch to GDM first to use GDM themes:

Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
Hi, this a great login screen, there's only one problem on my ubuntu 19.10. the user icon/image does not appear round... It appear squared. Any way to make it round as depicted from the sample image above??
Dude it's been a long time since i developed this. Will check the issue though.
Hi, this a great login screen, there's only one problem on my ubuntu 19.10. the user icon/image does not appear round... It appear squared. Any hint?
I'm having the same issue, did you find a solution??
excelent, i modify the background image pro
9 +Perfect
Pop_os-18.10 also works smoothly with gnome 3.30 compliance with the super small change in the very fluent congratulations Super work.you can access the screenshot from the link. https://i.hizliresim.com/k6424y.png
How can I install custom background image for this theme? When I try to do so (by copying file into the right directory) it changes the background but it is completely spoiled (looks like just a couple of pieces from the image and 60% of solid color), how can I fix this? Or is it only possible to use your image?
Man. Just open file ubuntu.css then replace 'bg-boat.jpg' to your image file name.
How can i install this in Ubuntu Mate?
Does this only work in Ubuntu? I followed the instructions in the github page changing file name to gnome-classic.css. Doesn't seems to work.
I didn't check if it works in other Linux flavors but it works with Ubuntu for sure.
Hi taeven, i had the same problem as timdp, i'm installing ubuntu 18.04.plz help!
hi the theme works fine the first time i start my laptop but when i close the lid while it's on and open it again the login screen doesn't show this theme. any idea what may be the problem?
which version of ubuntu you are running?
9 +This page has changed my life. Thanks to the creator!!!
lol, thanks mate
lol, thanks mate. XD
9 +
9 +
doesn't work, ubuntu 18.04
Can you mention the problem? I have ubuntu 18.04 installed and it is working fine. I tried it in virtual box too , it is working fine there too.
I just checked again with fresh installation, it's working fine with ubuntu 18.04. can you please follow the instructions again? run all the commands with sudo.