Description: Newaita icon theme is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Linux icon theme combining old style and color of material design.
Arch linux Arch Linux users can find Newaita under the name newaita-icons-git in the AUR:
$ aurman -S newaita-icons-git
Special thanks to: btd1337 Jack-Holborn And many other people who help me to make this icon theme.
To change the icon options for a dark or light panel: 1. Go to Newaita (or Newaita-dark) directory 2. Open terminal here 3. Type: chmod +x ./ 4. Type: ./ 5. Follow the menu options
Folders variants change: 1. Go to Newaita (or Newaita-dark) directory 2. Open terminal here 3. Type: chmod +x ./ 4. Type: ./ 5. Follow the menu options
Sir, there is an activities icon in the package? I would like to change the activities icon of my shell theme using the "just perfection" extension of gnome. Thank you by your art work.
Здравствуйте! Использую вашу тему с первой версии и по сей день. Newaita-reborn тоже хороша, но привычка - вторая натура))). Благодарю за качественную и нужную работу! Всех благ!
1010 the best by far. The theme that will make you forget Papirus. I would like to request icons for Jetbrains apps (PHPStorm, IntelliJ, Webstorm, etc, etc), the default ones are so horrible and breaks any curated desktop.
Thanks in advance.
Work on icons has been paused for now. I think in August I will start to improve and fix them. I have a lot of ideas on how to improve and replenish them. Thank you for your feedback :)
10This is genius! It is missing some icons on fedora, like the gnome videos app, the clock app, Cpod (not fedora spicific), flatseal (flatpak app), dialect, akira (still in beta) and chromium.
Ratings & Comments
It says at the top of the page: "1 times reported. Product will be validated from our moderators." Is this safe to install?
Please update color folders! This icon-theme is AMAZING!!!
10 These icons are pieces of art! In addition, there are plenty of them; the theme looks very coherent.
10 10 the best
Sir, there is an activities icon in the package? I would like to change the activities icon of my shell theme using the "just perfection" extension of gnome. Thank you by your art work.
10 10 the best: the icons looks pretty impressive and fit well with both the dark and light modes.
Здравствуйте! Использую вашу тему с первой версии и по сей день. Newaita-reborn тоже хороша, но привычка - вторая натура))). Благодарю за качественную и нужную работу! Всех благ!
10 9.9/10. Please could you make "Notion" and "Notion Enhanced" icons?
9.9/10. Please could you make "Notion" and "Notion Enhanced" icons?
9 9 excellent
Absolutely fantastic
10 10 the best
Plz add Microsoft edge icon
10 Amazing!!!
10 dont replace this with reborn pls make them both exist. best icons!
I would like to request icons for Oceanaudio, audio editor.
I suggest icon creation for modattt's pianoteq program
Hello guys. The newaita is a beautifil icon theme. I need Musescore ícon.
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
10 10 the best by far. The theme that will make you forget Papirus. I would like to request icons for Jetbrains apps (PHPStorm, IntelliJ, Webstorm, etc, etc), the default ones are so horrible and breaks any curated desktop. Thanks in advance. Diego.
Work on icons has been paused for now. I think in August I will start to improve and fix them. I have a lot of ideas on how to improve and replenish them. Thank you for your feedback :)
10 This is genius! It is missing some icons on fedora, like the gnome videos app, the clock app, Cpod (not fedora spicific), flatseal (flatpak app), dialect, akira (still in beta) and chromium.
10 10 the best
10 Great balance of colour, non-flat-tyness and completeness. One of my favourite icon themes