Available as/for:budgiecinnamongnome-40gnome-41gtk2gtk3-24gtk4-0gtk4-2gtk4-4gtk4-6mate
Description: theme for Cinnamon Desktop(also support Budgie,mate and unity) marwaita theme ( https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1239855/ ) but is Macos style
When I hover the mouse over them, there's no change either.
Maybe a bug?
I'm running it with metacity window manager but I'll try it in a Gnome environment.
7I don't like the new design at all. I wish you had stayed with the old design and started a new theme for this one. Lucky for me I still have a copy of it on a thumb drive.
The hover effect is active on Firefox - https://imgur.com/a/yAe61DV (look at the distance in Firefox)
But not on Chromium - https://imgur.com/a/Wr3qhC8
I use 105 DPI
Ratings & Comments
I am unable to install theme, when i copy the contents to /usr/share/themes broken symlinks are created
10 This is brilliant. Excellent. My only wish is that the symbols were present in the coloured dots for Maximise, Minimise and Close.
When I hover the mouse over them, there's no change either. Maybe a bug? I'm running it with metacity window manager but I'll try it in a Gnome environment.
Same thing under Gnome DE.
7 I don't like the new design at all. I wish you had stayed with the old design and started a new theme for this one. Lucky for me I still have a copy of it on a thumb drive.
10 10 the best
8 8 great
10 10 the best
10 I'd love to see your take on the Yaru theme
9 +wonderful
good job but i don't think circled checkboxes are a good idea... they should be squared, as they have always been!
9 +matches good with Marwaita
Hi, would you please to tell me how to install this theme on my linux Xubuntu?
sorry mate its only for gtk 3.22 and ubuntu have an older version
There's no animation when hovering icons on windows button in Chrome and the distance between close,minimize and maximize is large.
theres not hover effect in others buttons in headerbar, thats why the windows controls dont have the effect. what dpi do you use?
The hover effect is active on Firefox - https://imgur.com/a/yAe61DV (look at the distance in Firefox) But not on Chromium - https://imgur.com/a/Wr3qhC8 I use 105 DPI
i fixed the firefox problem, but in chrome will shrink the windows controls
I can't see any difference in it. And the hover effect is also gone in Firefox.
there is no hover effect because is the design , not a bug
Still no effect when pointing the pointer to close, maximize or minimize.
you should try this https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1013714/
I don't like that theme color palette. Why don't you incorporate in your theme ?
modify it by your own he is not an employee for your company and he designed it that way so Do it by your self
Can you please add this hover effect because that's better.