OSX Layout

Latte Layouts

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A Latte layout that tries mimic macOS X design and spacing.

Before you download this, please make sure that these applets are installed:

- Simple Menu https://store.kde.org/p/1169537/
- Active Window Control https://phabricator.kde.org/source/plasma-active-window-control/
- Event Calendar https://store.kde.org/p/998901/
- Weather Widget https://store.kde.org/p/998917/
- USwitch https://store.kde.org/p/1194339/

Recommended font is SF Compact, as seen in the screenshot.
Plasma theme: https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1235444/

Ratings & Comments



10 10 the best @LUWX, is the top bar in the image above also from Latte Dock? How did you make all widgets look like font and icons the same size? See the size of the Weather Widget icon and text in the top bar, what to do to make it the same size? https://imgur.com/OtTJn1E


9 9 excellent


How do you make the Active Window Control title align with the global menu once you hover on apps, I can only make it static and it shows ... instead of pushing it all to the right?


Is this only dark layout or is there a light one?


How did you get the right top bar notification area like mac? Nice theme


Great question my friend




* It's just the icon for USwitch https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Luwx/Dotfiles/master/icon.svg


Hi, can i ask a few questions? - As i see, your transparency of the top bar is most opaque than mine with the same theme. How i can adjust this? - What is your icon pack? - Can you share an screenshot of the settings of font settings? To see sizes and option of each font - Could you share the icon of uswitcher? Thanks for your effort


- You can ajust the transparency in the panel settings, under appearance. - The icons are here https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1218021/ , although i did some modifications to have better kde support. I may release it soon. - About the font, you only have to change the general font, mine is SF Compact Text Regular 10. - Of course https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Luwx/Dotfiles/master/icon.svg


Thanks for your reply, Luwx. - I adjusted the aparency inside Widget Style -> Configure -> Transparency but shows the same Transparency in the top bar. Are you refering to this option? - Thanks for the icon, and i will await the better plasma support. - Your font has been patched to enable emoji support or you know how to do? Because i cannot see with this font (but with others i can see) - Last question. I have problem with Global Menu. I only see the application name and icon, and i checked configuration of Active Window Control and got Application Menu enabled. But, if i add 'Global Menu' Widget i can see global menu, but duplicated (one from Active Window and one from 'Global Menu' widget. If i remove the last one, both disappears. Do you know why?


To ajust a individual latte panel just right click on the panel, go to "Dock/Panel settings", then go to appearance tab and change the opacity value. About the font, I don't know if it has emoji suport, i'm sorry. As for the global menu with active window control.. it's very buggy. You could try restart latte dock or remove and add the plasmoid again.

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