Hi, there's a Arctodon-Xfwm.tar.gz file when you click the big blue 'Download' button in top right corner of the site, you need to save that file on your disk and then extract the archive (just like ZIP), then you need to copy three folders within that extracted one (Arctodon-Dark, Arctodon-Light and Arctodon-Qogir) to your ~/.local/share/themes folder (OR /usr/share/themes OR ~/.themes). You may need to create that folder if it doesn't exist (Ctrl+H to view hidden folders in Thunar). Then choose your new window theme in Window Manager settings (xfwm4-settings).
Thanks hictio. Well, it kind of is my fault because I've intentionally made the titlebar slightly bigger to look better on 1080p screens (although I personally use 1440x900).
Ratings & Comments
10 Beautiful!
9 9 excellent. Enjoying it. Very clean
9 9 excellent
9 9 excellent
7 7 good. you should make GTK theme Qogir not good enough
9 +
9 +
Could anybody help me to find the theme file to download
Hi, there's a Arctodon-Xfwm.tar.gz file when you click the big blue 'Download' button in top right corner of the site, you need to save that file on your disk and then extract the archive (just like ZIP), then you need to copy three folders within that extracted one (Arctodon-Dark, Arctodon-Light and Arctodon-Qogir) to your ~/.local/share/themes folder (OR /usr/share/themes OR ~/.themes). You may need to create that folder if it doesn't exist (Ctrl+H to view hidden folders in Thunar). Then choose your new window theme in Window Manager settings (xfwm4-settings).
9 +Nice window.
Looks really, really nice, thank you!. Only thing, tho, and obviously this isn't your fault, it looks rather big on my 12800x800 resolution.
Thanks hictio. Well, it kind of is my fault because I've intentionally made the titlebar slightly bigger to look better on 1080p screens (although I personally use 1440x900).
9 +