Simple Plank themes based on cyberpunk colors
How to install the Plank Dock?
> Plank Dock is in the repositories of all most Linux distributions, so you only need to go to the application store of your distribution, such as Ubuntu Store, KDE Neon, Deepin, etc., do a search with the name of the Dock and give click on install.
But for those who like to use the legendary Linux Terminal, you only need to execute some commands; So, open your application menu, find the terminal and type.
- For Ubuntu users and derivatives:
- "sudo apt install plank"
- For Arch Linux and derivatives:
- "sudo pacman -S plank"
- For OpenSuse and derivatives:
- "sudo zypper install plank"
- For Fedora and derivatives:
- "sudo yum install plank"
Applying the Plank Themes.
To apply the Plank Dock themes, you just need to download the Plank themes, extract the zip, tar.gz, etc., files and move the extracted files to any of the following paths:
1. For LOCAL Directory:
- Once the file are extracted, press "ctr + h" and the hidden files will be shown, now, move the files to "/.local/share/plank/themes".
2. For ROOT Directory:
- Extract the files and open the terminal, type "sudo nautilus" (or whatever your file manager is in your distro) when nautilus is open, move the files to the next path: "/usr/share/plank/themes"
Now, to apply each theme in Plank Dock, place the cursor on any icon in Plank Dock and press "ctrl + right click", select the preferences and choose the theme of your choice.
Icons used on Screenshot
From @gusreis1989
From @eliverlara
Ratings & Comments
10 Actually something more creative than MacOs version 123456789. I like it.
the best
Nice theme, but I have a question. Where did I put the Plank Separators?
Well, I think that here I did not name it "separators" I think I named it "indicators", so you can download that zip and there are the separators.
it is really awesome theme for plank dock
Thank you, @mr-chandan };-] I like that you like it and, if you like, you can give a vote, friend. Thanks again };-]
7 Good looking themes
Thanks you, @metalworks. };-]
Hi fkorpsvart, can you seperate the wallpapers in a new product and link to them from here, thanks.
Yes, no problem, thanks }:)
10 Awesome Thanks for these amazing. What is the music player you are using in the screenshot
Thanks, Bloodybeast, I hope you're enjoying it. About the Music Player, it is Lollypop. If it is not for your distro, you can download the .deb file from here: https://launchpad.net/~gnumdk/+archive/ubuntu/lollypop/+packages
How did you get your lollypop settings to look like that in the screenshot. I want to set it up that way if you can tell me
Just resize de window until you have the player in that form, then go to the "preferences", then to the "appearance", and in the "Items in sidebar" you must select "Artists". You must also enable "Show artist artwork" and then reduce the "Album Cover size" to the smallest. That's all in my preferences, I did not do anything else, I hope it works for you.
9 +nice
Thanks };)
9 +The blue looks very good, can you share the link of the wallpaper?
Thanks, Dario, enjoy it! So, there's a file with a pack of wallpapers in the downloads section, hope you like it. :)