Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
9 Your work is so comfortable to look at
9 +
9 +
Your desktop theme provides a nice dark border around the edges for the panel, while the aurorae them does not: Would you consider adding a dark border around the windows too to match the theme and make the contrast better?
yes, will do. i just didn't found the way how to mask the decoration cs there's strange line if i add dark border around the side of the titlebar or i make that rounded corner
What kind of strange line? Could you post a screenshot?
strange line like this:
That's not a line. That's the blur area behind the window, and the window decoration happens to be smaller than the window size, that's why it is visible. If you disable blur in your theme that "line" will go away. This should be fixed in your theme, I think your decoration should be 1 or 2 pixel bigger. I have never created a theme, so I don't know where to set the window decoration boundaries. As for window decorations with rounded corners, the rectangular corners of the blur area are slightly visible, but not like in your image, only the corners. This is a bug in KWin and should be fixed (maybe when I'll have some time).
thank you for the info. i'll try to make it better for the next
9 + Nice work! What desktop theme are you using?
Thank you, i use Arc Transparent but i remix that too.