Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:You can install this applet directly from Plasma 5 Widgets Explorer
Version 0.7.1
* elide title in the middle of text
* change window title dash to n-dash
Ratings & Comments
9 I can confirm that this widget keep working fine with Debian 12
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best
7 7 good - but limited 'placeholder' for activity, and not desktop. Also, cannot 'deactivate' title for application by selecting desktop (which you can do with the 'application menu').
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
8 great, now I have more space on my screen
10 10 the best
10 How do you hover on the Window Title Applet then it will show app menu. I used to be able to do this but can't now. Forgot how I did it.
10 Excellent
Can someone please explain to me why I have window actions with mouse in the settings for this applet? I've tried the store.kde.org version, the AUR regular and git versions, and nothing is different between them. What am I doing wrong?
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent
10 Perfect. Everything i was looking for was the adaptive width and there it is here. Great Plasmoid. I have a feature request: left click + drag make you grab the title bar of the window. This can be extremely useful with full screen apps that doesn't have a notch to grab them for.
Latte panels offer this. For plasma panels it is not possible at applet level.
10 Excellent! Thank you! nice with the small customization options! It includes all those I desired!
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
8 8 great! Not 10 because there is no way to fix the width size, just the maximum.
Excellent! Just one issue: There is no way to fix a width, just the maximum width.
10 10 the best
Great widget. Thanks! If I had to make one request it would be to add the ability to change font and font size (unless I am completely overlooking a way to do it through Plasma settings).
Really great plugin. I really like those options as well, although I think it would be nice to have a menu mode as well. So basically you click the name, and that opens a menu where you can select to hide other windows, or close the current window, or close all windows, etc.
|o| Simply fantastic, thanks for all these new possibilities! As we now have the option to show custom text when no window is active, it would be a great addition to be able to configure a custom icon as well. With the custom icon, I could configure the display of my Linux distribution logo and its name with the current custom text option. :) Also my user's profile picture and name (maybe even an option that does this automatically). The possibilities for customizing these functions would be enormous ... Now I can display phrases, when I have no active window, I will extract this feature by displaying the following phrase for some time "I love the open source world, long live Linux!". ;) Thank you very much @Psifidotos, you are the wizard of applests!
The icon used comes from your current Activity, if you change the Activity icon then the applet will use it