Description: A minimal application launcher, inspired by Elementary's Wingpanel. Forked from Simple Menu. There are no system icons (Logout, reboot etc), so it's recommended to use the User Switcher plasmoid (or similar) alongside Minimal Menu. If you need system icons or application categories in your menu, consider using Simple menu ( Wallpaper in the screenshot: Solitude by Ihor Malytskyi (
Download and install using Plasma Add-On Installer: Add Widgets... -> Get new widgets -> Download New Plasma Widgets Then search for "Minimal Menu" and click install. Minimal Menu should then appear in your installed widgets. Alternatively download minimalmenu-[version].plasmoid from, and extract it (it's a zip file) to $HOME/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.gitlab.jnuutinen.minimalmenu.
Known issues:
Application hiding: After selecting "Hide application" from an application's context menu, it will remain visible. A workaround is to select "Edit application..." from the context menu for any application after selecting "Hide application" for all the applications you want to hide. Then in the dialog that opens just click "Ok", and that should refresh the applications, and hide all applications that were marked for hiding.
Custom icon: Custom icons are rendered in awful quality.Last changelog:
* Added option to position the launcher at the center of the screen.
i found an error on my kubuntu desktop, i check the directory and the file exist, what should i do? i cant open the plasmoid settings menu.
Error: Could not load: file:///home/prangga/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.gitlab.jnuutinen.minimalmenu/contents/ui/ConfigGeneral.qml:175 Cannot assign to non-exsistent property "WheelEnabled"
On Plasma 5.17.1, first click shows an empty menu, clicking a second time shows the items correctly. This behaviour started with Plasma 5.17. I have no favorites but it's not the empty favorites it shows, same thing happens when toggling the show favourites option. My OS is KDE Neon.
If you use Chrome or Chromium, you can create icons in Minimal Menu to access your websites in windows without frames, similar to a native app, creating more .desktop files, changing the name and setting Exec=chromeORchromium --app=URL
This has better design than Simple Menu. A tip for anyone who wants to have an icon to restart and turn off between the icons of applications:
Create the file A shutdown.desktop and A restart.desktop on /home/USER/.local/share/applications/
Until the bug to anchor favorites does not fixed, it is necessary to include "a ..." to position the icons first. With double click on the file, in properties, you can choose the icon you want.
Content for "A shutdown.desktop":
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=shutdown -h now
Name=A shutdown
For "A restart.desktop":
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=shutdown -r now
Name[en_US]=A restart
Name=A restart
9+It has a good minimalist design. I only miss a button to restart and one to turn off to the right of the search bar (reducing the width of the search bar).
This is a fork of Simple Menu, which has those buttons (along with application categories). You can get it here:
Ratings & Comments
2 2 really bad Let's test by opening our 'custom shortcuts' in settings... Hit the menu, type 'cust' - whoops, it isn't there!!!! Delete.
10 10 the best choice for me. Sometimes keyboard navigation failes - love it anyway :-) Could you please give a hint why?
8 Please, the menu needs as option to disable favorites.
8 It needs as option to disable favorites. Even if I have no app in favorite, the blank page is always there.
6 Almost great, some features missing: * change the size of the apps container * change the size of the icons
would be nice to have fullscreen blured background
10 10 the best!
I have nothing in 'favourites' - is it possible not to show a blank page? Is it possible to increase the grid size to greater than 6 across please?
Enhancement Request: Would like to see an option added to "Show most used applications first" instead of favorites.
i found an error on my kubuntu desktop, i check the directory and the file exist, what should i do? i cant open the plasmoid settings menu. Error: Could not load: file:///home/prangga/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/com.gitlab.jnuutinen.minimalmenu/contents/ui/ConfigGeneral.qml:175 Cannot assign to non-exsistent property "WheelEnabled"
On Plasma 5.17.1, first click shows an empty menu, clicking a second time shows the items correctly. This behaviour started with Plasma 5.17. I have no favorites but it's not the empty favorites it shows, same thing happens when toggling the show favourites option. My OS is KDE Neon.
What's the plasma theme in the last screenshot?
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best. However there is a bug - applet shows favourites first with checkbox in settings disabled and visa versa.
9 +
Would love the ability to change the icon size. On my 4K display, I feel the icons are too large for my taste.
If you use Chrome or Chromium, you can create icons in Minimal Menu to access your websites in windows without frames, similar to a native app, creating more .desktop files, changing the name and setting Exec=chromeORchromium --app=URL
This has better design than Simple Menu. A tip for anyone who wants to have an icon to restart and turn off between the icons of applications: Create the file A shutdown.desktop and A restart.desktop on /home/USER/.local/share/applications/ Until the bug to anchor favorites does not fixed, it is necessary to include "a ..." to position the icons first. With double click on the file, in properties, you can choose the icon you want. Content for "A shutdown.desktop": [Desktop Entry] Exec=shutdown -h now Icon= Name=A shutdown StartupNotify=true Terminal=false Type=Application For "A restart.desktop": [Desktop Entry] Exec=shutdown -r now Icon= Name[en_US]=A restart Name=A restart StartupNotify=true Terminal=false Type=Application
9 +It has a good minimalist design. I only miss a button to restart and one to turn off to the right of the search bar (reducing the width of the search bar).
This is a fork of Simple Menu, which has those buttons (along with application categories). You can get it here:
9 + Very cool. Please add animation for scrolling
Thank you. Page switching animation is added in version 0.2.0.
9 Nice