About Project:
Citrus-CAF was initially based off CyanogenMod in the early days of its inception. Later, the suggestions were taken into consideration and the needs and demands of our users were carefully studied. On realising the potential of CAF tags, and how CAF optimisations can help Snapdragon devices run with its full capability, we rebased the project to Code Aurora Sources, more commonly known as CAF. The Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 was the first device to get the full-fledged taste of our Tangy Nougat. In the beginning, it was just two people behind, but in time, a lot of people joined us, each giving their own contribution.
With the release of Android Pie, we decided to bring back this project to life with more optimisations and stability in our mind. We present to you Citrus-CAF KeyLimePie. Hope you enjoy your time using this ROM.
Citrus-CAF was built to create an amazing combination of customization, performance and most of the demanded features by our users!
Meanwhile, all of our Tangy sources are publicly available on our Github. We also do own a Google+ Community, where you can do what all others do at forums and communities! (Just kidding, we got builds over there and a feature-wish bucket too

Out of lemon, with love!
**Custom Squash**
Expanded Desktop
Screen-off animation
CPU info overlay
Recents icon pack
*QS tiles*
ADB Network
Battery customization
Clock customization
HeadsUP toggle
Smart notification sound
Disable notifications while screen on
QuickSettings customization
IME selector notification toggle
Carrier label
Network activity indicator
Weather widget
Media cover art toggle
Secure power menu
DT2S on Lockscreen
Fingerprint vibration toggle
Quick unlock
Scrambled pin layout
*Navigation bar*
Sw/Hw navbar toggle
Accidental touch
Sw/Hw button swap
Button brightness toggle
Various hw button long tap/double tap customizations
Screen off torch toggle
Volume button wake
Volume button playback control
Suspended actions
Sensor block per-package
Dashboard summary
Dashboard condition/suggestion toggle
In-call vibration controls
*Improvements over AOSP/CAF base*
Night light enhancements
Bluetooth battery level improvements
Append app name to screenshot filename
Screenshot shutter sound toggle
Keyguard weather
Bluetooth accept all files toggle
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