Description: Colourful basic conky with font URW Palladio L Rainbow Conky needed to have distances and spaces adjusted to accomodate a different font width
To run Conky: place this file into ~/.config/ run with command: conky -c ~/.config/conky-URW.conf
create startup application entry with above commands or add a 5 seconds delay and use this command: bash -c "sleep 5 && conky -c ~/.config/conky-URW.conf"
for display of temperatures and fanspeeds "lm-sensors" needs to be installed first issue command: sudo sensors-detect then reboot
the relevant lines are: 80 to 88 try by removing the: # in front of a line to activate it or by adding a: # in front of a line to silence it or trying various combinations of above possibilities without dedicated graphics driver we use lines 83 and 84 set as a pair; because ‘acpitemp’ is used for CPU, and ‘hwmon’ is used for graphics adaptor
network is set to "enp3s0" for wired connections and "wlan0" for wireless connections your computer may have different names for network cards and connections like enp4s0, wlx001f3386b507, enx0c5b8f279a64 etc. replace the enp3s0 or wlan0 with your connections name on lines 100 to 107
for laptop battery monitoring remove the: # on lines 71 and 72 BAT0 may have a different symbol
If using Conky Manager it can be started up like this as well:
Edit the file in the .conky directory
Add these lines after any other conky's your are running:
(Note: /home/user/ folder path /user/ is whatever your named user folder is is used /pc/ generically)
cd "/home/pc/.config"
conky -c "/home/pc/.config/conky-URW.conf" &
It runs like a champ.
Ratings & Comments
If using Conky Manager it can be started up like this as well: Edit the file in the .conky directory Add these lines after any other conky's your are running: (Note: /home/user/ folder path /user/ is whatever your named user folder is is used /pc/ generically) cd "/home/pc/.config" conky -c "/home/pc/.config/conky-URW.conf" & It runs like a champ.
Awesome simple meter with lots of colors. Editing was a breeze for my needs. Thanks so much!