One of the first third-party KDE4/Plasma themes, created by Florian Schepper, it quickly became an all-time favourite for many. Deserving a place in KDE's list of Cultural Heritage.
Well, at least it was a favourite for quickly showing off the power of Plasma themeability, and afterwards quickly turning back to something eye-safe

While the initial version got lost again from what was at the time as well as had the author discontinued work on it, people got a dump of the working material from Florian Schepper and so could upload the theme again: Though again sadly by the time the servers with the data vanished from the internet.
When looking last week for it, happily some old copies could be found in old installation backups as well as in working material of other themes. And which works almost out-of-the-box in modern Plasma5, after some small twisting for the panel background.
Known issues:
* preview looks broken in Theme selector -> Fixed for Plasma 5.16 (

* for small Plasma widgets the border is misrendered -> Fixed for KDE Frameworks 5.57 (
* when applying the theme margins/border sizes around widgets are incorrect -> Fixed for KDE Frameworks 5.57 (, workaround: restart Plasma
* unused margins left & right on bottom panel if full size -> cannot be fixed with Plasma 5
* behind panels some transparent other panel can be seen -> Fixed for Plasma 5.16, workaround: disable the "Blur" effect in the Window manager settings, section "Desktop Effects" & restart KWin
Ratings & Comments
9 +
9 +
9 +awesome!