Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
0.4 - Logarithmic scale, new tranzient style
0.3 - Improved drawing style
0.2 - Lowered CPU usage
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Ratings & Comments
Nice, but can you make a version for amaroK?
I think so, but I've never used amaroK. :) Well give me some time to take a look at what amaroK is.
amarik is great
AmaroK uses xmms vis system for visualizations, can you port it to xmms plug-in architecture?
amaroK uses primarily the libvisual visualisation plugin system, which is aiming for world domination... get in touch with the libvisual people (for example in the #libvisual channel on freenode) and discuss the possibility for doing something like this for libvisual :)
ok, the porting to libvisual is almost done :)
Great. Get the amaroK guys to include it in their next stable release too. :D
Just uploaded a version to be used with amaroK, called libvisual-nastyfft ;)
Man. That was fast.
0.2 is really faster than 0.1 :)