Intellibar formerly KWin [idea]
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I've added the adhan and notifications.
Thanks, just compiled and installed ;) Two opinions: 1.It's allways better to use generic folder names in source tarball. i.e "kprayertime4-0.1" is the expected name for packaging stuff etc, instead of just "src" 2.An including ChangeLog file would be nice to see what's going on.
thanks for the comments, yes I'll use better folder name next time. Let me know if you experience any problems with it.
Hi, thank you for this plasmoid, The settings doesn't save here too, you used QSettings in your code, but you can use KConfigGroup from KDE API, also it's better to include a data-base file containing the countries with there latitudes (I have one if you want). Good luck
Thanks for the feedback. The reason I used QSettings is because it also works under Windows. I'll investigate the bug.
salaam Salem as I said in another thread, I've updated the software to give an error message if it can't save the configuration. Perhaps if you get some spare time you wouldn't mind downloading the new version and trying again? If you do so, please delete the AbdulhaqSoftware directory before starting. Thanks
Compiled and installed with Qt4.5.3 and KDE4.3.4. Did the right latitude/notify etc settings and closed settings. Then reopened Settings windows and just saw that it hasn't saved them, all the fields are blank again ?
well it's working here... which version of KDE are you on?
sorry I obviously didn't read your message so well! I'm running KDE 4.3.2 and am using QSettings to save the details, which saves into a file ~/.config/AbdulhaqSoftware/KPrayertime.conf The format is: [location] latitude=51.0 longitude=-2.1 elevation=0 time_zone=0 dst=false [method] itl_method=2 [corrections] atmos=1 clock=1 zawaal=5 [language] arabic_numerals=false
there's configuration file, in same place. but doesn't save settings
if you manually enter the settings into the file, does it pick them up when it starts?
yes, it does.
The settings are saved (in theory!) when you click OK on the settings dialog. I'm wondering if somehow the plasmoid is running twice and one instance is overwriting the configuration of the other. Can you try updating the settings, click OK on the dialog, and then see if the settings have been updated (without closing the plasmoid).
Odd, after editing manually, it saves latitude/longitude settings now but notification settings are broken, yet. Also theresn't any releated part in config file, where does it look for notifes ?
I haven't finished the notification system in the plasmoid yet, it's only available in the KDE3 applet at the moment. I should complete the notification system soon, is this a feature you really need?
it's a must be feature, i think. Especially something like notifying let's say 30mins(better to be configurable) before a prayer time. [Off Topic]: There's another really good prayer plasmoid, but has no development for a long time. It would be nice if u can contribute that one and make it alive.
Salatinoid looks nice but I don't get enough time to update my own projects, never mind anyone elses ;-) I'll add the adhaan feature soon in shaa' allaah.
I've updated the software to give an error message if it can't save the configuration. Perhaps if you get some spare time you wouldn't mind downloading the new version and trying again? If you do so, please delete the AbdulhaqSoftware directory before starting. Thanks
Same here, still doesn't save. Also no error message
If you tell me which distro you're using I'll try to duplicate the problem over the holidays. I've tried it on two Ubuntu installs and there are no problems.
Hi, you should add KPrayerTime to the "plasmoids" section on, because here no one will probably look for plasmoids.
Hi thanks for the advice - I'll do that.