Configure section provide password,username and number to dial
You can create a wvdial.config file in /tmp directory with "save config" button
At reboot temp file will be destroyed for safety.
Check on syslog terminal your output connection and have fun with your wireless umts card..

-Depends on Kommander
-Depends on WvDial
-Depends on zenity (
Foe ubuntu/Kubuntu users try sudo apt-get install zenity
Tested with a Vodafone umts connect card
Be shure to have 3G kernel module and module "Option" both activated..or choose and recompile it
Bind to /dev/ttyUSB0 shoult be automatic when insert the card..if not check your usb modules(no firmware is required now)
I've started to write this application because my kppp died..

WvDial provides a good stable connection..and resolvs my kppp problems..
::..HOW TO USE IT..::
standard kubuntu kernel
When u plug a 3g card,for first time,all modules will be upload and usb serial attached to /dev/ttyUSB0 modem device.
I've noticed that wvdial accept(tell me if wrong)only /dev/modem as device.
You can easly create this link by pressing "Modem Link" button ..
Once created link you could put your data to empty txt spaces in the left corner.
-You must know if your provider needs an account with NAME and PASS.Ex.Vodafone(italy)does not an account put everything u want(but put it!or doesn't work)
-In next release a list of international umts number will be inserted.
But now u must know, at buying act,your number to call(normally *99** or *99***1#..depends on provider and CID number)
-Save .config file in /tmp before start connection..if u don't wvdial will fault
-Once saved,active syslog logging(if don't start syslogd)and finally start wvdial to connect..
In 15-20 seconds you will be connected..without specified any private DNS..and u can watch connection from built-in konsole monitor..
If realtime syslog make your memory lower..stop with "STOP" button..this not influence wvdial connection
So this is the fastest way..but i can only check with italian stuff..if u have another provider or country your impression or here below..tnx
also available,with comment BLOG:
Ratings & Comments
i've tested until uncharge totally my sim card..:) and i must say that works very well..even works "modem link".
good work :D
You told me about nokia..i would like to precise that ,even if wvdial is multipurpose,this app was made for PCMCIA CARD UMTS not for cellular phone It would be good in future,implemented a sort of bluetooth or irda connection for umts cellular phone..but this time..i haven' i cannot prove..:)
tnx for comment.. this is nice purpose for next version(i hope)..give users a list of number selected by country italian vodafone callers dial number *99***1#..and they told me when i bought the everyone should know his personal dial number i'll take a look @ your posted website to implement in next version...:)
Note that you could also use the apn ( in our case)instead of #99**1 in the number form For phone connectivity you could have a look at kmobiletools (wich main developer it's also italian) and at the kdebluetooth module (don't know how to deal with irda)
This program could be extremely usefull if it would hide more technical details to the user. For example, the number to dail is country dependent (correct me if I'm wrong). You could pre-set those values based on a country selection. Nokia has those settings: Thanks for the program anyway. :)