Description: Very simple yet effective MPD ( Music Player Daemon) client. It uses a combination of DBUS calls to KLauncher + mpc executable.
Requirements: - Running MPD server - MPC ( MPD command line client) - Running KDE4 Session + Plasma
Installation :
# Extract the gzip archive : tar -xvf plasma-mpc.tar.gz cd plasma-mpc #Create Build directory mkdir build cd build #Specify installation directory cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/lib/kde4/ # for kubuntu make #Install sudo make install
#testing the client plasmoidviewer plasma_applet_mpcLast changelog:
Ratings & Comments
I get an error when running it: $ plasmoidviewer plasma_applet_mpc findServiceByDesktopPath: not found But it already looks very nice!
For gentoo the right cmake call is: cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/kde/4.0/ Best wishes, Arne
Please add an option to direct calls to MPD_HOST/MPD_PORT. I'd love to use this, but my MPD is on a remote host. Thanks!
Didn't realize this uses mpc which uses the MPD_HOST; any plans on using libmpdclient in this?
It is on my TODO list. However, I have to see how will it fit in Plasma.