Gregorian to Mayan Calendar Convertor
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:(en,es,..) http://tortuga.com
(fr) http://tortuga.usebynet.com/
Why ?
see Wikipedia : Gregorian/Julian Calendars
As softwares shouldn't be possessed
by any.world power, Time shouldn't either !
With French translation...
NB : First KDE program, first C++ app, first contrib
We need to get into synchronicity !...
PS : Feel free to contact me for translation issues or coding tips !!
-any help welcomed-
./configure --prefix='/usr' &&
make &&
make install
I'm currently working (and learning) on a shared library to use with the tzolker -kicker applet-, and the tzolkin -refont-.
2006-10-12: v0.2 -author-
* Corrected TimeCell calculation
2006-09-26: v0.1-1 -author-
* More Comments in code
* Optimized comments in .pot
* Updated: README, ...
* Published Debian packages (troubles compiling !... Any tips welcomed !)
* numeric long count entry/calculation
* Moon realistic cycle !!!
* command-line options
* Kicker Applet (to come)
* KAddressBook retrieve infos
Ratings & Comments
I compiled and installed the program, i ran it, and to my surprise tit didn't show any images, only text, please help
Yes, I know :$ I just changed the project into a 'kicker' applet one, named tzolker, with separated libraries libtzolkalc, to let others use its functions. This app (tzolkin) is integrated in tzolker. I'm actually adding the project to an SVN repository. Soon accessible ... I've been working on other things by the way... I'd hoped the release of KDE 4.0 to recode those projects. More informations soon ! Sorry for the convenient.
interesting, more... http://sourceforge.net/projects/kmayan
This is just great Keep working on it! Wonderfull application to help us to prepare for the BIG CHANGES :) Live a good life full of love and light brothers and sisters :)
Thanks supporting me ! It helps ! ;)
This is a KDE application, then the correct configure is ./configure --prefix=$(kde-config --prefix) For example for Slackware is /opt/kde. The good image directory is /$(kde-config --prefix)apps/tzolkin and not /usr/share/apps/tzolkin. Than if i use the standard KDE path, Tzolkin can't find images!
Yes, I'd like to correct it ! But getting into troubles using : KIconLoader *loader=KGlobal::iconLoader(); sealpic=UserIcon(QString("seal%1").arg(kin->seal->getIndex()+1)); or sealpic=loader->loadIcon(QString("seal%1").arg(kin->seal->getIndex()+1), KIcon::User); I tried several things, but can't understand for now !... NB : It's my first app ! :P I'm currently working on a new version with shared libraries used for an kicker applet and a refont of this app... PS : Feel free to contact me by mail
of the future version : ftp://ftp.domosys.org/Media/Snapshots/Tzolker_panel-applet-20061410.png ftp://ftp.domosys.org/Media/Snapshots/ShowKinDlg-20061410.png
field where I can get a presentation on how to write that date in documents (time to confuse the professor)...
I'm not sure of understanding. But the long count maybe what you're searching for. The goal of this app is to give the dreamspell calculation of (based on) the Tzolk'in Mayan Calendar. The real count of the dates is not truly defined (starts August 11/12/13 -1013 [before JC] ) More infos on the dedicated sites and wikipedia...
hello, nice app, but i cannot see the images. I see these messages on a console: QImage::smoothScale: Image is a null image (I think one message for image) I'm running on a Slackware current, KDE 3.5.4 Thanks! bye
You surely compiled with ./configure, not ./configure --prefix='/usr'
yep:-) sorry. now it works perfectly. thx bye
I was looking for this converter for sooo long! Thank you.
I am another yourself ;o)
me too!! but unfortunately the download url seems to be down currently...
Funny app :)