Desktop Integration plugin for aMSN

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This is a plugin for aMSN that change some default tcl/tk dialogs and some properties to the KDE or GNOME default ones. Currently supported dialogs are: Open File, Save As, Info Boxes and Yes-No Questions.

It makes it possible to find better the file you're looking for, see thumbnails, use kioslave capabilities... and it's pretty much nicer.

NEW: aMSN will not freeze anymore when selecting files.
KNOWN ISSUE: Only a dialog can be opened at a time.

Extract the content of the tarball into your $AMSNDIR/plugins, and use the Plugin Selector to enable it.
If you had any previous version of kFileDialog, may be better if you remove it.

Thanks to Juan Araya, for the gnome part, slubman for his patch & Sander (tjikkun) for the nonfreezing codeo
Last changelog:

v0.8b: fixed a silly bad error (mea culpa)
v0.8a: fixed a typo (only for gnome users, no problem on KDE)
v0.8: improved desktop integration
-> sets filemanager and openfile defaults for KDE and GNOME (just click on incoming file or folder and open it)
-> sets notify window offset to avoid overlapping kicker (KDE)

v0.7: FIXED freezing bug. Now you can still talking while opening (thanx to tjikkun)

v0.6.4: fixed a bug when variable DESKTOP_SESSION was not present
v0.6.3: fixed a silly coding mistake
v0.6.2: re-improved desktop choosing -> paths not hardcoded (thanx to slubman)
v0.6.1: improved desktop choosing (thanx to Juan)
v0.6: support for GNOME and KDE
automatic desktop choosing

Ratings & Comments



The plug-in worked with 0.95 CVS, but seems to have problems -aMSN reports errors- with the 0.95 final version. Too bad ! This plug-in is so useful...


Yeap, you're right, but don't worry. It has nothing related to new aMSN version. It was just a mistake I made because I forgot to change some lines from previous version of the plugin. It's ok now (v0.8b). Thank you for pointing it out!


Yeah !!!! The plug-in works again. Thank you very much.


It doesn't work anymore with the CVS version.


It works for me with lastest CVS snapshot (3-12-05). What's exactlly the problem? Maybe StatusLog (Ctrl+S) or PluginsLog (Alt+P) could help.


Lo que ocurría es que aparecían los diálogos correctamente, pero luego no tenían efecto. Por ejemplo: cambiabas la imagen y no pasaba nada. El caso es que acabo de bajarme la última verisón del plugin y del aMSN (era el CVS del día cuando escribí el comentario) y ya funciona perfectamente. Offtopic, como dicen por aquí, teniendo en cuenta que (casi)todos usamos KDE o Gnome, tu plugin debería ir por defecto con aMSN como han hecho con Nudge y la webcam, porque mejora MUCHO el aspecto. Un saludo


OK, me alegro de que vaya bien. Sobre lo de incluirlo en el paquete por defecto tengo que hablar con los desarrolladores a ver que piensan. Ahora como están liados con la liberación de la 0.95 no sé si me harán mucho caso Gracias y un saludo!


I'm happy to say that DesktopIntegration plugin will be on next official aMSN release (0.95) for linux distributions. Pues eso, que al final lo van a incluir con el paquete, aunque dependiendo de la distribución.


I love this its made browsing for files so much simpler :D


Hola isma, me he dado cuenta que cuando te mandan un archivo y eliges "Guardar como" para darle otro nombre, sale una ventana tipo tcl/tk. A ver si lo puedes arreglar ;)


Perdon, acabo de ver que has actualizado la versión arreglándolo... ;)


Espero q realmente lo arregle :S La verdad es q aún no he podido probarlo, y esto del tcl/tk es un jaleo.. cosa q tocas, cosa q j.. fastidias. Un saludo! I hope it actually fix it :S Really, i couldn't try it, and this tcl/tk thing is a mess... one thing you touch, one thing you f.. break.


I can't install the plugin because when I load it he return this message: "/home/pedro/msn/plugins/kFiledialog/kfiledialog.tcl": no such file or directory I'm using amsn-cvs... I tried with other versions but the error message still appear...


Hi! I posted a file I was using for testing the plugin, which had a symlink and it's that what fails because the name of the dir you've installed in is different (upcase-downcase thing). I've had the same problem when changing the dir name, so thanks for pointing that. I've submitted a new version with no symlinks and it should work. Greets!


Great work... tcl windows are really ugly :/ ;-)


Nice work! You should submit it to the amsn website. And one more suggestion, could you use plugins_log instead of status_log?


Ok, Thanks. It's done.. now it uses plugins_log. Just a little question.. how to see that log? I've tried key combinations.. but no luck. And, who should I send it in amsn? Greets!


Alt+P while the focus is on the main window. And just send it to the amsn-devel mailing list:

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version 0.8b
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