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Available as/for:
Note: not all downloads are from Qtrainer0.5.2, some packages are still from older releases

Mandriva RPMs can be found here:

Qtrainer is a personal home trainer for Qt4.3 or higher.
(It runs on KDE3,KDE4,Windows - On linux you need Qt4.3 to be installed)

Qtrainer plots your progress, gives you tips and training schedules.
It also lets you plan your trainings.
Qtrainer also has an online database of exercises.

At the moment only for fitness/power training but it will support a lot of sports in the future.

Qtrainer reached version 0.5.2. A lot of bugs are now fixed and qtrainer is beginning to be very usable


ok howto install:
Ubuntu package
*click on it
*start qtrainer by ALT+F2 'qtrainer'
qtrainer is not yet in the KDE-MENU
optionnaly you can install by typing:
sudo dpkg -i qtrainer_0.5-1_i386.deb
(You need to have Qt4 installed)

Source code:
just run make :-)
a binary will be created in Qtrainer/bin
You will need the libQt4-core and libQt4-gui packages (development packages of Qt4.3 or higher)

unzip the zip file
click on qtrainer.exe
You don't need to install Qt4, it is included in the zip-file

Just untar and make qtrainer executable
chmod ug+rwx qtrainer
You need Qt4.3 installed

About the ALT-linux packages: The packager noted:
I think you better place notice that ALT Linux rpm-spec rules are more
strict and users are better to look at spec first to make sure they`ll
be able to install package at their other rpm-based distros.
All ALT-builds will be available at
(link will become alive in a couple of days)
Last changelog:

update 15/03/08:
Qtrainer0.5.2 released. 5 bugs fixed, changed colors of the plots, changed the 'online' part of Qtrainer, added helpfull actions in the Information widget.
(added link to mandrivaRPM and gentoo ebuild)

update 09/03/08:
Qtrainer0.5.1 released. Internally A LOT has changed. Externally only some minor improvements to the PowerTraining module and an entire new module for keeping track of your BMI, weight, length, fat%, ...

update 05/10/07:
source link was still 0.4.2 instead of 0.5. I fixed it.

update 15/09/07:
Removed bug from Qtrainer which prevented the adding of schedules
updated: source code, precompiled linux, ubuntu/debian, windows packages
added a windows-installer/uninstaller

update 14/09/07:
Added Ubuntu package, ALT-linux package and gentoo eBuild
Thanks to:
Kenneth Prugh and Mikhail A. Pokidko
I made the ubuntu package myself :-)

Qtrainer 0.5:
*new Training Planner!
*new icons
*new 'sections' (left-bar)
*new 'New Profile' dialog
*Start of the 'grid' framework...the gridframework will display and store training-data from Trainings or TrainingSchedules
*New information section: displaying more information!
*Online database with lots of exercises
*You can upload your plots to the Qtrainer website to share them with your friends :-)

UPDATE: Added gentoo eBuild. It was made by someone else (don't know his name) The original eBuild can be found here:

UPDATE: I recompiled the windows package and the linux deb. But now for i386 instead of mine Intel Centrino.
This makes Qtrainer more stable I guess.
I also added a precompiled linux binary

*Qtrainer is now stable.
*17times faster (used seperate threads + some other optimisasion)
*Training planner added
*online database
*Smooth curves instead of just connecting the points

Ratings & Comments



Mandriva 2008.0 i686 rpm here:


Hello! All the info about the next Qtrainer release can be found here: I am using my forum as a Blog :-) If you have feature requests: post them on them in that topic on the forum. Bye!


Hi, i tried to download the source of 0.5, but it give me the source of 0.4.2 back :( i tried also to download the source from the homepage, but there point the link of 0.5 also to 0.4.2.


idd, the link was wrong and still pointed to the old source. I fixed it now. Bye


The server which is hosting Qtrainer will be down for 2-3 days. They are installing new machines :-) Bye!


btw: at the moment qtrainer is a QT4 only application. It doesn't use KDE4. But in the future I plan to use KDE4. (plasma, system tray, ...) Bye


What about an italian translation? Anyway this software is amazing!


The language strings are not yet finale and will change a lot in the months to come. According to my personal feature plan, all language strings of the powertraining-part of qtrainer will be stable in the Qtrainer0.6 release. I will make a dutch translation then. When someone else sends me an italian translation, Qtrainer will also be available in Italian. Translating Qt applications is very simple: Bye!


The next version of Qtrainer will be amazing...just look at the new screencat: or:


Hello, I am working on the next release of Qtrainer. I have put a screencast online, showing some features of the next release. It can be found here: Bye!


Hi, I compiled it and it works...great :) I hopy to see new versions soon :) btw.: your app has no icon...


Hi, I would like to compile it using Portage (Packet Manager in Gentoo). I would be very happy if you would be able to support and offer an eBuild for Gentoo.


I have launched the Qtrainer Forum: So users can talk about The sports (currently only fitness/powertraining) and the program. I also made a new homepage: Bye!


I use Gentoo, is there an eBuild for the app?


I don't have gentoo, and know nothing about eBuild at the moment. But I will search for it on the internet en try to make an eBuild package. You can still compile the source-code with qmake i guess?


That's exactly what I was searching. No chance to get it to work with KDE 3.x? :(


Yes, it will work on KDE3.x I have KDE3.x myself. You don't need KDE4 at the moment Qtrainer only uses QT4. So you have to install Qt4: libqt4-core and libqt4-gui but those libraries can co-exist with qt3 and KDE3. just use adept/synaptic/yast/... to install qt4, then Qtrainer will work on your computer. thanks for the comment


I have noticed that I have forgotten to put the Makefile in the source package. But the qt-project file is enough. For compiling do: qmake-qt4 make that's all :-) Have fun!

0 Affiliates
version 0.5.2
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 0

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