Beauties of Kazakhstan 2015
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Ratings & Comments
Hi LASZCZ, thank you for the card deck. I recently submitted decks I compiled from freely licenced sources around the web to Ailseriot I also proposed a slightly modified a slightly modified version of your theme. I'm not sure however about the license. It says CC0 here in the sidebar, the file metedata however say Licence Art Libre (Free Art License) 1.3. which is the correct one assumed. However while it is a free license it is not GPL-compatible. Aisleriot as a whole is distributed under GPL 3-or-later. Would you mind relicensing/dual-licensing it so it is avalable under a GPL-compatible license (e.g. CC-BY-SA 4.0, LGPL, CC-BY, CC0)?
This deck was designed over 100 years ago. So any copiright had to exhaust. Feel free to change metadata in YOUR theme. Sorry, IDK how to fix mine. :(
Thank you, I'm assuming CC0 1.0 (Public Domain) for the license then.
Much nicer than the default cards.