Suru Plus Aspromauros Carboniferous-Gold

Full Icon Themes dolphin icon icon-theme plasma

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I must stress the Icons are Suru++ Asprómauros ( by (
They have been recoloured in oomox to match my Carboniferous-Gold theme.
I also must stress they are only intended for use in Plasma,which is what I use,and have not been tested for Gnome or GTK3,and for some reason the colours are not correct in GTK2 toolbars.
To make them look like Dolphin in the screenshots,right click the folders with emblems (Downloads,Music,Pictures etc.) and select properties,then under the General tab,directly under the word General
is an icon,click that and look in System icons for an icon of a folder just called "folder",select and ok that,then your folders will all match with no emblems for any icon theme you use.

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Ratings & Comments



10 10 the best


10 10 the best


Playing with you work. Like it a lot. I am not managing to change some goodie-colors in my xfce4-panel. like Disk uses, Memory and the Pacman count for example. Have to find that out yet. Probably somewhere to change system font colors. So that i change all font color to gold. Not experienced enough. Here a screenshot of my playing :


Hey, your icons theme is outdated, so I have just upgraded Suru++ Asprómauros.


9 + Thank you for using my Suru++ icons and keeping them beautiful! I hope the users enjoy your carbon-coloured icons!


Thank you very much! It's thank you for the wonderful work you have done with all your icon themes,and thank you for making them available for use in Oomox,that has changed theming so much,as you can always have great looking icons that match the theme exactly now!


You are welcome. Please be aware that I'll upgrade Suru++ Asprómauros the next week, therefore, your icons theme must be outdated once a new version is released.


Hi, as you have asked me, Hi @zb652, as it is under GPL3, you can do what you want with them, but GPL3 requires that you put my copyrights and the same licence in the end of description. Just a suggestion, to improve your description, use BBCode (url, etc):


I have put a link to your GitHub page/credits and licences,and put a copy of the GPL in the file,is that ok as my knowledge of BBCode is absolute zero,and need to read up to work out the basics? Thank you for the pling,I added the GitHub page for Suru++ Asprómauros as the source for plings,thinking they would come to you,but I'm still trying to get used to how this site works. Also I have been creating themes for some time,but never shared or made them available for download before,so still have quite a lot to learn yet.


The licence files that I left in the icons pack are already there. Just add like: "GPL3 © 2019 Suru++ Asprómauros Carboniferous Gold by Andrew Leichester" before my copyrights. Yes, for improving your description of your product to make everything legible and understanding. Visit the pages "Antü" and "Zafiro" and also my pages "Suru++ Asprómauros" and "Suru++ 30" and see how we wrote the description, using BBCode language. BBCode language is very similar to Markdown language.


Thank you I see now,why I was getting confused is when using Oomox,the files are not there,only the index.theme,so I downloaded the icons from GitHub and added them,with the copyrights. Thank you very much for your help!


9 +matches perfectly


Thank you very much! I was lucky this time,they came out exactly as I wanted first time,sometimes have to do them a few times due to the gradient slightly changing the shades,so you have to slightly change the colours to allow for that.

1 Pling
0 Affiliates
license GPLv3
version V-01
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 3

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An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

If it contains only a single icon or a small set of icons, please use the Icon Sub-Sets or Single Icon/Logo categories instead.