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This the my version of the Laferte icons.
The original will not work with KDE Plasma and they were not the same colors. This is the original:

These icons are for my Breeze-darker color-scheme in KDE Plasma but you can use however you like.
Here is the Breeze-darker color-scheme

Wallpapers in screenshots are form Charlie Henson here:

These are only folder icons so you have to have either the breeze icons or the Newaita-dark icons installed because that is the icons that they inherit from but if you like different
icons you can change the inherits in the index theme.
If you are in KDE just install as usual icons and they will work properly on dark themes but if you want to use on light themes then you must open the index theme with your text editor of choice in the icons folder
and change the inherits to breeze so just delete the "-dark" from the breeze-dark in the inherits line.
Like I said if you are using with dark theme in KDE they will work as is.
If you have a favorite icon set but want different folder then these are for you because the inherits will work with any icon set so just change it the index theme.
I like to use the Newaita-dark icons for my inherits.

I have a repo with the color scheme,gtk theme and folders all in one.
There is a lot of screenshots here:

Don't hesitate to ask questions. I wouldn't share stuff if I minded to help so feel free.

Ratings & Comments



9 +Nice folders and good option to renew the appearance of Plasma KDE. The Breeze icons theme is great but the folders are so straight and full of sharp angles that I sometimes feel they are going to cut me :) Thanks for sharing you work!


9 +Excellent match. Those folders are amazing...


Thanks. I am trying to clean my PC up. i have over 40 color schemes and probably 20 plasma themes to post. I have some very nice transparent plasma themes you will like. Go back and try my Breeze-darker again. i changed it some but it doesn't show as an update because it was before 2 week mark. I have a plasma theme to match it and a breeze-darkest that is really good too. i am trying to get all this stuff posted but it takes too long to post.


I will, sometimes I have 50 walls made and I just upload 4 or 5 a day sometimes more if I get on a roll lol.. Sounds to me like you got a good months worth of posting sitting in a folder.

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license MIT License
downloads 24h 0
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An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

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