McMojave Aurorae
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
McMojave kde is a MacOSX Mojave like theme for KDE Plasma desktop.
You can use this with:
- Kvantum Themes:
- Plasma Color Schemes:
- Plasma Desktop Themes:
- Plasma Look-and-Feel Settings:
- Icon theme: McMojave-circle
- Cursors theme: McMojave-cursors
https://www.opendesktop.org/p/1355701 Last changelog:
You can use this with:
- Kvantum Themes:
- Plasma Color Schemes:
- Plasma Desktop Themes:
- Plasma Look-and-Feel Settings:
- Icon theme: McMojave-circle
- Cursors theme: McMojave-cursors
Fixed issues
Ratings & Comments
10 is the 1.5x has light ?
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
Hello, I want to use this aurorae theme, but it looks bad, it just happens to me with this theme others that I have look correct. The mistake is that I get narrower, and it also looks like a transparent area around the window ... here I pass an image for you to see ... I use its full theme, colors, Kvantum theme, icons .. etc ... but this window does not go and is ugly .... Could you help me? .. thanks and very good design of everything, in xfce also used it. I now use Kde Neon 5.18 https://ibb.co/QfLF2q0
You can try the last version on github: https://github.com/vinceliuice/McMojave-kde
Hi Thanks for answering .. now the edges in its Mcmojave version are wider, if you put the 1.5 it goes the same as it had before and if you put the 2.0 it goes all transparent Here is an image of how it comes out in the Mcmojave version. http://imgfz.com/i/JvRTCsW.png
x1.5 version was made for scaling 150% font setting users, x2.0 version was made for scaling 200% font setting users, if you don't change your scaling setting just use defaut one.
Hi .. Is that that is what I do .. I only use the version called Mcmojave, nothing of 1.5 or 2.0 .. and it looks like the image I put before ... I have installed some new themes and nothing happens just happens to me with this theme..thanks
Tengo el mismo problema con el theme. El tema no funciona con los driver propietarios de nvidia. Con Nouveau funciona OK. ¿Qué driver estas usando?
Sorry. I have the same problem with the theme. The theme does not work with nvidia's proprietary drivers. With Nouveau OK works. What driver are you using?
Also tell you that installing the theme via .install.sh does not allow Kvantum to make changes and save then it does not leave you ... Greetings
9 Please make it border-less or add a border-less variant to it.
8 8 great
10 the best
8 8 great
9 +Keren