McMojave Plasma
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
You can use this with:
- Aurorae Themes:
- Kvantum Themes:
- Plasma Color Schemes:
- Plasma Look-and-Feel Settings:
- Icon theme: McMojave-circle
- Cursors theme: McMojave-cursors
Fixed plasma 6.0 issues
Ratings & Comments
10 I thought I had already valued this work... the whole McMojave theme is fabulous. a 10
I had to install this theme again, but it doesn't come out in opaque or solid color, but the transparent panel bar. How can I put it so that it comes out totally solid or opaque? I have changed the files that it brings inside, but they do not change, it always comes out transparent. Thanks in advance, cheers
8 https://hizliresim.com/ClEH0h border looks distorted ⛑ help
go to the "Application Style > Window Decorations" and set the boder to "Tiny"
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
My lovely theme! 1) I think it would be better without bottom border because it spoils aesthetic perception. 2) I just installed kde 5.18 and I have extra side borders https://i.imgur.com/b3XhFJG.png Can I fix this?
Go to the aurorae window setting, you can choose slim boder
You're right! It's working! Screen, where I changed this: https://i.imgur.com/M6yKmzw.png
10 10 the best
Nice theme! Thank you for that! But my windows are not blurred/transparent like in the screenshots. I applied the plasma theme along with color schemes & look-and-feel settings. Sorry but I'm a bit novice with KDE.
You need install Kvantum and use kvantum theme
window decorations are broken for me in only the dark version https://imgur.com/a/a9LO3jJ
oh and it's plasma 5.14.5 on debian 10
It's fixed now!
Hi, I can't get same round corners in latte dock. Can you please help me?
This is plank not latte, latte can not set round corners
Someone please help me installing this theme on fedora scientific with kde plasma
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best
How can it be installed?