Service Menus for Dolphin file manager


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Improve KDE's file manager with additional right-click menu options


Quick backup and restore files

by alex-l

A couple of service menu to quickly create a backup copy of the selected files in the same folder, adding a .bak extension, and to restore them.

Manual installation: download both bak.desktop and bak-restore.desktop and place them in ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus/
Dolphin Service Menus

Export Libreoffice and Office documents to PDF

by alex-l

You need Libreoffice installed to make this service menu works. Supported formats: .odt, .ods, .odp, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .docx, .xlsx, .pptx.

Edit: added .txt files as input
Dolphin Service Menus

Rotate or flip images

by alex-l

You need Imagemagick installed to use this service menu.
Dolphin Service Menus

Convert PNG images to JPGs

by alex-l

You need Imagemagick installed to use this service menu.
Dolphin Service Menus

Convert JPG images to PNGs

by alex-l

You need Imagemagick installed to use this service menu.
Dolphin Service Menus

Export SVG to PNG or PDF with Inkscape or RSVG

by alex-l

Menu to export SVG or compressed SVG files to PNG image or PDF, using Inkscape or RSVG.

Dependencies: Inkscape and/or RSVG.
Dolphin Service Menus

Convert SVG drawings to Plain SVGs

by alex-l

You need Inkscape installed to use this service menu. It converts SVG drawings that contains Inkscape metadata to plain SVGs, ready to be uploaded on the Web.
Dolphin Service Menus

Convert WAV audio to MP3

by alex-l

Service Menu for Dolphin to convert WAV files to MP3. It uses lame, generally installed by default in common GNU/Linux distro.
Dolphin Service Menus

Write ISO to USB drive [isoimagewriter]

by alex-l

Service menu to write ISO images to USB driver using "isoimagewriter", the new tool by Jonathan Riddell. At the moment (August 2017) is still in alpha and distributions still don't provide it.

Wiki page:
The source is here:
and the builds here:
Dolphin Service Menus

Export Markdown documents as PDFs

by alex-l

You need Pandoc installed to use this service menu and a LaTeX engine like TeX Live. If you get as output a file with missing fonts, look for extra fonts searching "TexLive fonts" in your packages manager.

With this service menu 3 custom presets are included:
- A4: optimized for A4 documents
- Smartphone: optimized for reading on smartphones
- e-Reader: optimized for reading on e-ink readers
Dolphin Service Menus

Make multiple script or binary executable

by alex-l

Two entries:
* make selected file(s) executable
* move it to /usr/bin so you can run it from terminal, krunner etc (requires root)

It works with Bash (.sh), Python (.py), Ruby (.rb) and binary files. Comment here to ask for more file types support.
Dolphin Service Menus

Show and hide multiple files

by alex-l

Service menu to hide files adding a "." before their names. If used to hidden files it will show them removing the dot.

IMPORTANT: you have to download the "showhide" script too and place it i.e. in /usr/bin or other bin paths. Then you will be able to use the service menu and also use it by command line:

$ showhide file1
$ showhide .file1

If you don't want to move the script in /usr/bin, you can edit the .desktop file with: "Exec=/home/user/your/path/showhide %f" instead of "Exec=showhide %f".

Manual installation:
Move the showhide.desktop in ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus/
Dolphin Service Menus

Convert to PDF/A-1b

by alex-l

Convert PDFs to PDF/A-1b for compatibility.
Dolphin Service Menus

Advanced Rename Options open files with KRename

by alex-l

Just open selected files with KRename, a simple but missing piece to make KRename more useful.
Dolphin Service Menus

Send file with Telegram using telegram-cli

by alex-l

--- Dependencies ---
- telegram-cli ( - available in AUR)
- kdialog

--- Instructions ---
1. install telegram-cli
2. login with telegram-cli
3. move "telegram-file-sender" script in ~/.script or edit the location in the .desktop file to where you want to keep the script
4. if you have manually downloaded the .desktop file, move it in ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus
5. enjoy
Dolphin Service Menus

[NEW] Send file with Telegram using Telegram Desktop

by alex-l

Service Menu for Dolphin to send files with Telegram Desktop

* be sure you have `telegram-desktop` binary in you $PATH (it works out-of-the-box for Arch users using telegram-desktop-bin from AUR)

* eventually add /path/to/your/Telegram to $PATH or copy it to /usr/bin with `sudo cp /path/to/your/Telegram /usr/bin/telegram-desktop` (the latter won't be automatically updated)

* at the moment it doesn't work with multiple files

You can also try "Send file with Telegram (using telegram-cli)" service menu if you don't use Telegram Desktop:
Dolphin Service Menus

Build Dockerfile

by alex-l

Service menu to build a Docker image from a Dockerfile. Of course you need Docker installed and KDialog. This service menu is intended for who know what he's doing. There is no error handling so when KDialog will ask you for a name for the image don't use a name already used and don't use blank spaces.
IMPORTANT: since there is no official MIME type name, you need to define Dockerfile MIME type in System Settings > File Association as "text/Dockerfile" (uppercase D). The matching expression is exactly "Dockerfile" (without " quotes). The icon in the screenshot is in Breeze Icons master branch and will be available since KDE Frameworks 5.33.
Dolphin Service Menus

Edit folder description

by alex-l

Service Menu for Dolphin to edit the description of a folder.

To show the description of apps and folders in Dolphin:
Main Menu > Adjust View Properties > Additional Information > check "Type"

Manual installation:
- download folder-description.desktop
- move it in ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus/
Dolphin Service Menus

Install Flatpak Service Menu - as user or system-wide

by alex-l

Right click on Flatpak bundle (*.flatpak) or Flatpak link (*.flatpakref) to install it, output is shown in a Konsole window.
Dolphin Service Menus

Mount ISO image - here or elsewhere

by alex-l

Service menu for Dolphin to mount ISO image in the current folder or in another one of your choice. In both cases it create a new folder with named like ISO file and mount it there.
Dolphin Service Menus

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