mcOS Catalina theme for Plank Dock
Wear your Dock like macOS Catalina syle.
macOS Catalina has launched with its new functions and its careful interface; and many of us like that manicured appearance of the apple desktop.
In our Linux environment, most distributions are known to be very customizable, and we can find from GTK and QT themes, icons, Shell themes, to have an identical appearance to the macOS desktop; but a special quality stands out on the macOS desktop, and this is the Dock.
In Linux there are many Docks to choose from, but the one that comes to mind is Plank Dock, which is characterized by its simplicity; everyone in the Linux community knows this excellent piece of software, simple, but customizable; and to make it look like we like, we just have to apply some themes, that's why I created these themes that will give a similar appearance of the Apple operating system Dock.
But, how to install the Plank Dock?
> Plank Dock is in the repositories of all most Linux distributions, so you only need to go to the application store of your distribution, such as Ubuntu Store, KDE Neon, Deepin, etc., do a search with the name of the Dock and give click on install.
But for those who like to use the legendary Linux Terminal, you only need to execute some commands; So, open your application menu, find the terminal and type.
- For Ubuntu users and derivatives:
"sudo apt install plank"
- For Arch Linux and derivatives:
"sudo pacman -S plank"
- For OpenSuse and derivatives:
"sudo zypper install plank"
- For Fedora and derivatives:
"sudo yum install plank"
Applying the Plank Themes.
To apply the Plank Dock themes, you just need to download the Plank themes, extract the zip, tar.gz, etc., files and move the extracted files to any of the following paths:
1. For LOCAL Directory:
- Once the file are extracted, press "ctr + h" and the hidden files will be shown, now, move the files to "/.local/share/plank/themes".
2. For ROOT Directory:
- Extract the files and open the terminal, type "sudo nautilus" (or whatever your file manager is in your distro) when nautilus is open, move the files to the next path: "/usr/share/plank/themes"
Now, to apply each theme in Plank Dock, place the cursor on any icon in Plank Dock and press "ctrl + right click", select the preferences and choose the theme of your choice.
Launchpad Icon
I have added a file "launchpad.desktop" to have the application launcher icon like "Launchpad" in Plank, this file will put an icon in the applications menu, so you can pin it to Plank Dock but also to "Dash to Dock" , which gives the flexibility to place it anywhere in the Dock as a normal icon.
How to do that?
All you need to do is put that file in the
"/.local/share/applications" directory
and then drag and drop into Plank Dock and voila, you already have the icon in Plank Dock¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬
To place separators in Plank Dock, I have created some images in ".png" to do it.
The only thing you have to do is put the separator folders in a place where you will be sure that they will not move, since if the image is moved from the place it does not work since Plank stops recognizing the path where the image was. .
Putting the files in a safe place, just drag and drop a separator file onto Plank Dock and that's it, you already have a tab on Plank Dock
Watch the video: Adding Separators to Plank Dock
Albert App Launcher BS Themes
Catalina Login Screen for SLiM Display Manager
Each one separated in its own version.
The original colours, light and dark, separated in their own place.
Here the links:
Ratings & Comments
Please remove the wallpapers from this product and add as a separate product or products, thank you. :)
Sure, no problem, thanks for the heads up.
Still not removed, please remove them.
Very nice theme, but how did you manage to add a separator between the Trashbin and the apps ? I can't find anything on how to add one...
I have added the separator files, now you can download them, the instructions are the description
Is it possible to add a little bit of spacing between the icons? To match the macOS dock?
Yes, sure, buddy, I'll work on that, wait for the update. And, again, thanks for your vote };-}
@sebbo, It's done, you can download them now, friend };-}
Wow that was really fast. Thanks man! I’m definitely gonna try out your theme for Latte, looked even better!
I have a little time now and I was working on the compilation of Latte Dock, so I saw your suggestion and got to work on it. And yes, try the Latte version, it is more complete. Enjoy it. };-} And don't forget to vote if you like the Latte Dock version, friend };-}
10 10 the best
Thank you! };-}
10 10 the best
Thank you! };-}
10 10 los mejores
Thank you!
10 10 the best
Thank you!
10 10, best looking dock themes :)
>_Thank you, @yuriygnome!! Take a look at the Mojave version.