Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The easiest way to install is:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alex1701c/TmuxRunner/master/install.sh | bash
The plugin gets triggered by the word tmux. After that you can search for a session. If the name does not exist it shows an option to create a new session with the specified name. After the name you can add the initial path. But instead of typing out frequently used paths you can use the shortcuts: Each shortcut has to start with a $ and gets replaced with the value. You can use absolute paths and relative ones, but if you want to reference a directory in your home folder you can just type the folder name. For example Downloads/Bluetooth gets interpreted as /home/USER/Downloads/Bluetooth.
Furthermore you can change the terminal you want tmux to be launched in. The default options are: Konsole, Yakuake, Terminator and Simple Terminal. You can also define a custom terminal. If you want to change the terminal for just one command you can add a flag to the end of the statement. The flags start with a - and is followed by the lowercase start letter if the option. For example -y opens it in Yakuake and -c opens it with your custom terminal.
Info: After installing the binary packages make sure that the KRunner gets restarted:
kquitapp5 krunner 2> /dev/null; kstart5 --windowclass krunner krunner > /dev/null 2>&1 &
And you might want to install the yakuake-session script or tmuxinator, have a look at the readme for this.
Product icon: https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/285695/terminal_icon Last changelog:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alex1701c/TmuxRunner/master/install.sh | bash
The plugin gets triggered by the word tmux. After that you can search for a session. If the name does not exist it shows an option to create a new session with the specified name. After the name you can add the initial path. But instead of typing out frequently used paths you can use the shortcuts: Each shortcut has to start with a $ and gets replaced with the value. You can use absolute paths and relative ones, but if you want to reference a directory in your home folder you can just type the folder name. For example Downloads/Bluetooth gets interpreted as /home/USER/Downloads/Bluetooth.
Furthermore you can change the terminal you want tmux to be launched in. The default options are: Konsole, Yakuake, Terminator and Simple Terminal. You can also define a custom terminal. If you want to change the terminal for just one command you can add a flag to the end of the statement. The flags start with a - and is followed by the lowercase start letter if the option. For example -y opens it in Yakuake and -c opens it with your custom terminal.
Info: After installing the binary packages make sure that the KRunner gets restarted:
kquitapp5 krunner 2> /dev/null; kstart5 --windowclass krunner krunner > /dev/null 2>&1 &
And you might want to install the yakuake-session script or tmuxinator, have a look at the readme for this.
Product icon: https://www.iconfinder.com/icons/285695/terminal_icon
A feature to add an action to use other terminal emulator has been added and a lot of the internal logic has been splitted up and refactored.
Ratings & Comments
Description says "And you might want to install the yakuake-session" but it looks like it silently installs yakuake anyways
9 9 excellent