Description: Windows like quicklaunch at last for KDE Plasma 5. Select main folder for your shortcuts and they will automatically appear in the launcher. Enabled compositor is required (to turn on: System Settings -> Display and Monitor tab -> on left panel Compositor -> tick 'Enable compositor on startup'). Otherwise black screen will appear. Restart (or plasma restart) is advised after putting widget on the taskbar.
* Auto grouping/categorizing based on folders * Full dynamic auto creation * No limits in nesting (only by config) * Scroll bar support
Minimum Qt version 5.10 supported. Config menu is located under mouse-right-click on widget icon.
Project needs your support by downloads and plings.Last changelog:
1Completely broke the "add widgets" tool in 5.27.4! I had to remove it manually from plasmoids directory to get a working Plasma, although this widget wasn't even added to the panel just yet! I expect a widget to fail, but to break the system by its mere installation is unprecedented for me.
this widget not working any more after KDE remove KConfig entries, even kded5 5.62.0.
kconfig: malicious .desktop files (and others) would execute code
Unfortunatly after installation of the new version my desktop freezes on login. How can I remove the widget from my configuration manually, from console?
I've PM you with command.
But this situation is not related to my widget.
People reporting today that error
And there is global admin message about upstream bug.
Go to '~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/' and replace used file with your icon. In configuration panel there is big arrow if you like.
Be aware that eventual updates will replace your icon so keep one as backup. The idea of this launcher is to look similar to windows quicklaunch which doesn't offer to change >> as I know.
By the way I can add non-standard features (like selecting icon from file in settings) if I receive pling (the one which increases plings counter in my profile).
Plings really helps.
Yes, definitly a must have feature, a selectable icon is important.
The workaround with exchanging the arrow *.pngs works well. I backed up the original icons first.
I set the file attributes to 555, maybe it will restrict an update to overwrite them.
The script is so easy that you can easily add more icons by yourself, but that would be overwritten at an update. So its better risu add it to the main code.
Nice one! But on which settings the coloring is based? Here the folders' text is white (great for the dark background), but the other items' text is black and the hover color is dark blue. None of the other menus uses these unfortunate colors and I'd like to change the black and blue to maybe light grey and violet so that it matches my desktop colors.
Ratings & Comments
1 Completely broke the "add widgets" tool in 5.27.4! I had to remove it manually from plasmoids directory to get a working Plasma, although this widget wasn't even added to the panel just yet! I expect a widget to fail, but to break the system by its mere installation is unprecedented for me.
8 Just what I needed!
I don't see how this is relevant. What not working exactly? Update your system to newer framework version.
this widget not working any more after KDE remove KConfig entries, even kded5 5.62.0. kconfig: malicious .desktop files (and others) would execute code
Unfortunatly after installation of the new version my desktop freezes on login. How can I remove the widget from my configuration manually, from console?
I've PM you with command. But this situation is not related to my widget. People reporting today that error And there is global admin message about upstream bug.
10 Very simple and effective menu, perfect.
Is there any way to allow adding a real icon instead of just the >> ? That would make this perfect!
Go to '~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/' and replace used file with your icon. In configuration panel there is big arrow if you like. Be aware that eventual updates will replace your icon so keep one as backup. The idea of this launcher is to look similar to windows quicklaunch which doesn't offer to change >> as I know.
By the way I can add non-standard features (like selecting icon from file in settings) if I receive pling (the one which increases plings counter in my profile). Plings really helps.
Yes, definitly a must have feature, a selectable icon is important. The workaround with exchanging the arrow *.pngs works well. I backed up the original icons first. I set the file attributes to 555, maybe it will restrict an update to overwrite them. The script is so easy that you can easily add more icons by yourself, but that would be overwritten at an update. So its better risu add it to the main code.
Nice one! But on which settings the coloring is based? Here the folders' text is white (great for the dark background), but the other items' text is black and the hover color is dark blue. None of the other menus uses these unfortunate colors and I'd like to change the black and blue to maybe light grey and violet so that it matches my desktop colors.
Sure, please update to latest version and items colour config will appear.
Updated v1.0 version now available.