Abyss-Complete-Desktop [new color enhancements this update]

GTK3/4 Themes dark icons material multicolor numix

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Abyss is a flat, dark-mode theme with a few transparent elements. Abyss is built on a unique, wholly customized platform utilizing a careful blend of both Modern-Numix and Material Design formats. There are plenty of apps, still out there, built on older formats than what Material can correctly handle on its own; this prudent blend, employing Modern-Numix, takes care of all that. Abyss is made to work on GTK, xfwm4, openbox-3, GNOME-Shell, and Cinnamon desktop environments. Abyss also has matching Icons and Folders.

The Abyss desktop theme consists of four color palettes made with shades of indigo, oxblood, dark emerald, and deep aquamarine - created for a clean and uncluttered design pattern to achieve optimal focus and readability, and a warm, attractive look.

This is the matching desktop theme.
For icon & folders GO TO: https://www.pling.com/p/1333376/

The four Suru++ icons and folders sets have been carefully crafted to match the four Abyss desktop color schemes, but they can surely compliment other desktop themes that sport matching color hues.

The Suru-grounded icon set was initially designed and developed by Sam Hewitt - under GPL3. The original Suru icon set and concept was created by Matthieu James - Canonical Design Team. Core developers are Andrea Bonanni (original author) and Gustavo Costa . Devices icons are inspired by La Capitaine created by Keefer Rourke - under GPL3/MIT. Emoji icons are derived from the Twenoji created by Twitter Team - under MIT. Some icons are based on Numix mimetypes icons created by the Numix Team - under GPL3. Devices and places icons and several apps icons are inspired by Papirus icons created by Alexey Varfolomeev - under GPL3. Numberless icons are from Gravit Designer, under GPL3/MIT.

Manual Installation Is Easy:

1) Extract the ".tar" or ".zip" file into your "~/.themes/" folder - to install for current user only - or into the "/usr/share/themes/" folder - for the theme to be applied globally. 2) Use GNOME Tweaks, Dconf Editor, or an equivalent 'Look & Feel'/configuration app to enable it for your desktop.

If installing manually, make sure to install the dependency: "Murrine theme engine" if you do not already have it; and update your GTK+packages if you have not.

Logging out and then logging back in may be necessary on some operating systems to fully implement themes and icons.

If installing manually, make sure to install the dependency: "Murrine theme engine" if you do not already have it; and update your GTK+packages if you have not.
Last changelog:

23-11-13: Version 2.3.3

This update revisits the "overviewGroup: background-color" of all four Abyss color variants. Here, the landing pages for the shell/apps have been re-coded to now render a slightly brighter rendering of the standard Abyss hue present in each flavor variant, respectively (i.e., a tad brighter than the darker of the two background colors already rendered in the apps). Testers found this tweak to offer a contrast that was easier on the eyes. Commit: 7972bf5

Ratings & Comments



10 One of my favortites :) great job the dark with the nice lighter accents goesd great together plus your dark base color is a really dark :)


I'm really glad you noticed - thanks for using and reviewing!


10 Awesome too, thanks!


9 Classic


9 Like it.


10 I miss this one earlier can you make please this ink for in ark style too or no. Very great thank you!


10 10 Thanks a million for finally updating!!


10 I hope so much that there will be an update for the abyss deep Suru icons for xfce 4.16 - not all icons are replaced here - especially in the settings buttons - I love this theme and use it on all PCs


I'll take care of that update within the week. Thanks for the input!


9 Love the green color theme. Only thing I have to dislike is the Desktop Icon text is black and i wished it was white. I'm using Xfce. what line of code would i need to change in the gtkrc to change it to white?


That is not happening anywhere else I have heard of. The window manager may be influencing that, because the global theme text for Abyss is a white hue. GTK operating systems have the window and file managers coordinate a lot of the desktop specifics. Anyway, just do what the Xfce users via this link do to achieve white text. Cheers!




10 10 the best


Thank you per the 3.36 lighter text, I think its back to perfect again!


10 10 the best


I love it! hey, the top bar icons are a bit hard to see, they only become perfect when mouse hovering, is there something i can do to disable that feature? thanks a bunch


Thanks; just install the other version, that should do it.


hi, what other version? tried both Abyss-DEEP_1.6.2.zip and Abyss-DEEP-3.36_1.6.2.zip


The (non-3.36) version is built differently, and has a lighter panel text hard-coded in. Thus, that one wouldn't cause you that issue. BTW, we will lighten the 3.36 text next update. :)


Awesome news!! thanks


9 9 excellent Very good looking theme with a corresponding icon theme. I only miss a cursor theme. With it the review would be 10 the best.


Thank you; we're looking into that!


10 10 the best


Thanks a lot!


9 9 excellent

0 Affiliates
license Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike
version 2.3.3
downloads 24h 1
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 18

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