material-black COLORS Icon-Superpack [all new 'Suru-GLOW']
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Description:material-black COLORS is a new GTK, xfwm4, openbox-3, GNOME-Shell, and Cinnamon- Dark Mode Theme with matching Icons and Folders.
The material-black COLORS theme is based on Material Design standards and aims to bring a warm, colorful, and elegant experience to your desktop. Black-on-black-on-black with one additional color just where you need it.
These are the matching icons and folders.
Both the Suru++ and the Numix icons and folders have been carefully crafted to match the material-black COLORS desktop flavors, but they can surely compliment other desktop themes that sport matching color hues.
Special thanks to the Numix team for their inspiration, expertise and contributions at: https://github.com/numixproject/numix-icon-theme. The Suru-grounded icon set was initially designed and developed by Sam Hewitt - under GPL3. The original Suru icon set and concept was created by Matthieu James - Canonical Design Team. Core developers are Andrea Bonanni (original author) and Gustavo Costa . Devices icons are inspired by La Capitaine created by Keefer Rourke - under GPL3/MIT. Emoji icons are derived from the Twenoji created by Twitter Team - under MIT. Some icons are based on Numix mimetypes icons created by the Numix Team - under GPL3. Devices and places icons and several apps icons are inspired by Papirus icons created by Alexey Varfolomeev - under GPL3. Numberless icons are from Gravit Designer, under GPL3/MIT.
Manual Installation Is Easy:
For themes: 1) Extract the "tar.xz" file into your "~/.themes/" folder - to install for current user only - or into the "/usr/share/themes/" folder - for the theme to be applied globally. 2) Use the GNOME Tweak Tool or an equivalent app to enable it for your desktop.
If installing manually, make sure to install the dependency: "Murrine theme engine" if you do not already have it; and update your GTK+packages if you have not.
For icons: 1) Extract the "tar.xz" file into your "~/.icons/" folder - to install for current user only - or into the "/usr/share/icons/" folder - for the icons and folders to be applied globally. 2) Use the GNOME Tweak Tool or an equivalent app to enable them for your desktop.
Logging out and then logging back in may be necessary on some operating systems to fully implement themes and icons.
13-05-21: Version 1.9.3
The MB-Suru-GLOW variant was completely rebuilt for this update
Ratings & Comments
10 Excellent theme; I especially like that it works with a mix-and-match of theming-systems. Needs icons for Development/Code and Private folders.
Looks great, but can't get it to work. I'm using Pop. Confused about what you mean by the "tar.xz" file, I can't find this anywhere in the zip. I suspect that this is the reason why it's not working
10 10 the best - So much "goodness" to choose from....the SURUs are eye popping.
10 A piece of art for solarized-dark like fans like myself! Thanks for making and sharing!
10 This best one!
8 Unfortunaltely the Chromium Icon is not working for me (flatpak installation) and I a spotify Icon would be nice as well. Besides that - nice and clean icon pack.
4 4 soso
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent
10 These are very good to have matching desk theme thanks!!
Thank you for keeping the sets up to date for apps!
The icon for Terminal shows ">_", but the classical Unix shell prompt is a dollar sign. How about changing the terminal icon to "$_"?
10 Awesome! Using the pistachio-suru-glow icons. Can you add icons for KeePassXC, MS Teams, QOwnNotes, and kdevelop? Some of these already exist by name but with a generic icon, would be great if they looked more like the original. Thanks!
Hi, these sorts of requests are our teams pleasure to do. Though, with team members out of pocket currently, it cannot be fulfilled as quickly as usual (prob 3 wks vs 1). I will drop a DM in your box when they are ready. Cheers!
Thanks a lot, looking forward to it. BTW, the same for Mango-Suru would be great, also :)
10 looks pretty nice, although i still would prefer a 0, 0, 0 "amoled" black theme :)
Hah, now that's pitch-black! we do get pretty close to 0.0.0 on a couple of other rtl88-Themes. Thanks a bunch!!
10 the best
10 the best it goes so well with other one that I need for eye thing. awsome thanks!!!
10 thanks!
Also an icon for the Pop OS Store would be cool or just stores generally
Hi, @manitu, thanks! For the icon request, please tell me which variant (Numix or Suru), and which flavor (hue/color). The team will go from there. I look forward to hearing back, so we can get on it. Take Care!
Hi @rtl88 I'm using Suru Plum Glow. The only apps that don't have icons on my system are: Slack, Document Scanner, Extensions, Live Patch, Pop! Shop, Kite, Snap Store, TeX Info and USB Flasher but Slack would be cool because I use it every day haha
@manitu, you have Document Scanner and some others you list. I'll have a member whip up the pop_os icon, and then tell you how to access those already available icons in Suru. Talk to you in a few!