Numix-BLACK-Colors [more color animations this update]
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Black-on-black-on-black with one additional color just where you need it, Numix-BLACK-Colors yields the perfect dark-mode experience.
Choose from Gold, Grape, Ice, Olive, Pomegranate, and Steel.
This is the matching desktop theme.
For Icons & Folders GO TO: https://www.pling.com/p/1335817/
Tremendous thanks to the Numix team for inspiration, expertise and contributions at: "https://github.com/numixproject/". It is always a pleasure to be a part of any work you have advanced.
Manual Installation Is Easy:
1) Extract the ".tar" or ".zip" file into your "~/.themes/" folder - to install for current user only - or into the "/usr/share/themes/" folder - for the theme to be applied globally. 2) Use GNOME Tweaks, Dconf Editor, or an equivalent 'Look & Feel'/configuration app to enable it for your desktop.
If installing manually, make sure to install the dependency: "Murrine theme engine" if you do not already have it; and update your GTK+packages if you have not.
Logging out and then logging back in may be necessary on some operating systems to fully implement themes and icons.
If installing manually, make sure to install the dependency: "Murrine theme engine" if you do not already have it; and update your GTK+packages if you have not.
23-11-06: Version 2.2.4
This update re-colors elements of the shells' app menu (landing page). Here, the hovered over text vis-a-vis app categories now presents a slightly lower brightness value, with the bolded rendering of the individual theme flavor's (lighter) accent color still intact. The exception is with the Pomegranate variant, where the brightness value is instead slightly increased for this element. The tweak both beautifies and and increases readability of the effected elements. This enhancement was pushed to all five Arc-Darkest color variants. Comment: 2e9ffb3
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
Thank you!
10 Geil, dit jefällt ma, Prost!
10 Thank you, I though maybe you quit or something, I hope you update the solarized too.
10 love the round elements!
10 10 the best
8 8 great
8 8 great
10 Absolutely love the Numix black slate
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent Works fine with xfce
10 10 the best
Super, génial! Gives XFCE a great look!
Thank you very much!
10 The slate version is purely impeccable.
10 10 the best
8 8 great
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
9 Энэ бол гайхамшигтай урлаг
10 10 the best I love the text not being so bright. It's like tinted. please don't change anything, I'll have to switch back to my old theme if you do.
8 8 great This is very nice. Just one thing, the text on gnome shell is a bit too dark and not very readable. Is a choice?
Thanks for trying the theme. The team did consider a little lighter text on the new scheme. Some of our machines rendered it darker/lighter than others; high-def versus no high-def, etc. Most testers were heavy-dark-mode users, so I'll make a determination before the next update, via a control group of around 15 testers, in an 8 hour office environment. Take care!
Wow, thanks! Readability is extremely important to me. I'll keep an eye on the updates :-)