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This is a pitch black, flat, dark theme based on Materia.

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This theme is awesome. The icons are particularly rad. Sadly it breaks gimp : it increases the padding of everything and makes the software unusable, whatever theme I pick in gimp. Maybe can you fix that ? It's a weird bug I haven't seen with other themes.


Hmm... I had more of a problem with Inkscape. Have you tried the Materia version I did? "Materia Blackout"? I'm planning to do another new version based on another core theme. I'll keep this in mind and test with Gimp and Inkscape. Thank you, so much.


I just tested "Materia Blackout", same problem with Gimp : padding around everything is much too big so the interface doesn't fit in the screen, and the issue is still there whatever theme you pick inside Gimp. No probleme with Inkscape : I wouldn't work with your theme, but inkscape can pick its own without problem.


Okay, I'll do some work on the new one today and take a look at gimp this time. Thanks for the constructive criticism, much appreciated.


And thanks a lot for all your work. I looked around for the perfect icons set for quite some time.


Thank you!


Okay, I'm stuck. I definitely found your problem and I'm sorry. Problem is I can't fix it because the themer won't export for me anymore so I have to wait for that software to have a new release. Bummer, nothing I can do right now.


The icons check buttons are too big on XFCE4 (Debian Stable). The XFCE does not have such blackout theme and yours sounds more promising up to now. I would suggest make it for XFCE4. What do you think?


I'm kinda a hacker at this, I'm doing the best I can. I was w/o a Linux box for a while there but now I'm back on ironically, XFCE and Debian. I'll probably release a new one reasonably soon. Thank you for cmmenting and you suggestions.


I hope that yours inspirations come to reality in that work!


Hey, it's simple, just right-click in the open space in Thunar and select "Zoom Out".


For the desktop, right-click the Desktop, select "Desktop Settings"/Icons/ and change the icons size.


The icons check buttons are too big on XFCE4 (Debian Stable). The XFCE does not have such blackout theme and yours sounds more promising up to now. I would suggest make it for XFCE4. What do you think?


10 10 the best


I was really happy to find a REAL black theme and it looked so good,helped me as visually impaired. But then I opened Synaptic and it had a white background! For most people it wouldn't matter but for me it's unreadable. Is this something you could fix? It would make me a very happy bunny ;)


Mat, I'm so sorry! What Environment are you in. Everything should be black and I'm pretty sure Synaptic is GTK so it "should be" as well. Let me know if you are in Gnome or XFCE or what and I'll try to trace it back on my distro. Happy to help, glad it is helping you mostly!


Thanks for answering! I use Ubuntu Mate 18.04-4, customize-freindly and Synaptic is my best tool, therefor important. If Blackout is based on Materia this should not be a problem as I've used materia-dark and it was fine, but otherwize too grey. I hope this info will help


I'm gonna download a copy of your exact system and see what the problem is. Are you using Ubuntu-Tweaks or Gnome-Tweak-Tool? They have more settings that might do the trick but you probably have them, already, just wanted to make sure. I'll get back to you this afternoon.


Well, I installed Ubuntu Mate 18.04 in VirtualBox and I'm afraid I couldn't get it to work at all. I tried lxappearence and though it changed the current window did not change the theme system-wide (nor the font which I tried as well). I'm afraid you've got me. I have zero experience in Mate. I'm a musician and this was just for fun. I'm afraid I sold my Linux-Box. All I have is VM's on macOS now. I think the only tip I have to offer is "lxappearence" or "gtk-theme-switch". I no longer have the core file (lost in a bad backup). Sorry I failed you buddy. I'm glad you like my theme. Seems like Mate had some black themes, a lot "blacker" than most other distros. Maybe post on a forum since I can't do much for you. Thanks. ward


OK Ward, thanks for your effort! Stay safe!


You, too, mateyes! I'm working on a broken pc, I may get it. I'll post again if I do.


mate, I have found your problem in many different window managers. It would seem there is something wrong with Synaptic itself. I haven't tried this but I believe I have run across your solution in the Arch Linux Forum:


Mate, I have found this gtk problem in many different window managers. I think it's a problem in Synaptic. I did find this: I haven't tried it but it looks it the solution.


Copy the theme folder to /root/.themes/ and/or /etc/share/themes/ ... Synaptic will then be properly themed. At least, that's what worked for me me on Mint 19.2 Cinnamon...


10 10 the best- When some dark is good, more is better. I like the flat back look of this as it compliments the rest of the components of the theme well.

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license GPLv3
version 1.01
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 4

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