Description: A custom layout based on Pantheon layout with an adaptive top panel and floating dock inspired on iPadOS, later adopted by macOS Big Sur. This is for Latte-dock 0.10 only.
The scroll option exists for when the dock has many open apps or windows that makes the dock with more icons that can fit on a single line on screen. For it to happen even when it is not the case, it is fault on Latte side. I always left that option active and it never bothered me until this version of Latte
10I have been a fan of your layout for quite some time and I am very surprised that BigSur will end up like this beautiful work of art hahaha.
Keep it up bro, it's the best I've ever seen
Look Amazing, @RYUKE!
Does this new floating dock and rounded corners feature come in version 0.10 by default?
Because in the stable version of the repositories these functions don't come by default in the configuration of Latte Dock, only by modifying certain things in the desktop theme.
I have been looking for and testing, but I have not yet achieved it, I am new experimenting with the modification of themes in KDE and I still don't know very well the way of building themes, but I will continue looking for the way to create themes,
I definitely have to try version 0.10.
are you refering to systray records that do not respect the height margin? If that is the case then you are right, I am also hoping that this will be improved in the future from plasma side implementation or I will help after Plasma 5.18 release in order for this to be fixed... If you are referring to other applets then please open a bug report to in order to make sure that this is not Latte fault...
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
How do you get the floating dock?
You need the latest version of Latte dock from Github or else the configuration for floating dock won't work
What about that Launchpad icon? I couldn't find it anywhere...
I vectorized on Inkscape based on one made for Mac. But any Launchpad icon may work
In the bottom bar I have a scroll to the sides, can it be removed? is very annoying
That's something on Latte side. It didn't happen when I uploaded this layout. Maybe file an issue on Latte dock's Gitlab?
I solved it, I don't know why the "scroll" option was activated in one of the "tasks1" and "task2" (it's Latte Dock Git)
The scroll option exists for when the dock has many open apps or windows that makes the dock with more icons that can fit on a single line on screen. For it to happen even when it is not the case, it is fault on Latte side. I always left that option active and it never bothered me until this version of Latte
Simply the BEST BigSur layout for latte but the blur stripe over my down dock enerves my, but amazing
10 I have been a fan of your layout for quite some time and I am very surprised that BigSur will end up like this beautiful work of art hahaha. Keep it up bro, it's the best I've ever seen
that looks sick! Can't wait to get latte-dock 0.10 Good Job!
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best
Look Amazing, @RYUKE! Does this new floating dock and rounded corners feature come in version 0.10 by default? Because in the stable version of the repositories these functions don't come by default in the configuration of Latte Dock, only by modifying certain things in the desktop theme. I have been looking for and testing, but I have not yet achieved it, I am new experimenting with the modification of themes in KDE and I still don't know very well the way of building themes, but I will continue looking for the way to create themes, I definitely have to try version 0.10.
Roundness comes from Arc Color plasma theme, Floating comes from upcoming Latte v0.10
You here, man! Awesome!
thank u! :) I really like your layout! Fantastic job...
Thanks! I had to work on a rather big safe zone with the top panel because the applets don't respect the height margin, so it ended being this thin.
are you refering to systray records that do not respect the height margin? If that is the case then you are right, I am also hoping that this will be improved in the future from plasma side implementation or I will help after Plasma 5.18 release in order for this to be fixed... If you are referring to other applets then please open a bug report to in order to make sure that this is not Latte fault...
It is with all applets. I'm not sure if it's latte's fault but yeah, I'm gonna do that.
It has the floating feature. You can download it from the git-repo or if you've manjaro choose latte-dock-git .
10 10 the best!
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