Adapta Nord
Custom Adapta theme with nord color pallete by Arctic Ice Studio
Fork of a Adapta Cyan modified made by me, available in Adapta Colorpack
Suported DEs
Avaliable colors
- Frost Blue 4
- Aurora Green
- Aurora Yellow
- Aurora Orange
- Frost Blue 2
- AuroraRed
- AurotaMagenta
- Frost Blue 3
To match this theme Papirus Nord
To download the wallpapers displayed in the preview of the theme in some interfaces, click here!
Ratings & Comments
10 Very good job ! THANKS !!
10 10 the best
Thank you!
10 10 the best
Thank you!
10 10 the best
Thank you!
10 Dude I love this theme (and the Adapta Colors pack too!). Since I discovered it a month ago it became my default theme in my Linux Mint machine. I discovered your work at the same time that I found out the official adapta theme was no longer developed, so great work maintaining it alive!
Thanks for the consideration, this supporting Adapta is being really cool and quite easy!