Diskspace RAM Usage CPU Usage Battery Clock and date It changes colors with pywal. Conky shows itself by mouseover.
inotify-tools Ubuntu font Conky 1.10.x (compiled with lua 5.1.x, imlib2 and Cairo bindings.) pywal (you are required to create a pywal colorscheme) xdotool Install
Use the provided installer script
sh install.sh #Conky needs to be installed in ~/.conky/conky-drawer-interactive/ directory.
Hi! I created the colorscheme file, but it indicates a lua error at startup. conky: llua_do_call: function conky_start_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Another comment. The file created in the cache folder searches for colors.xresources in the refresh_conky.sh file but does not find the colors.Xresources file. If I change it to small x all reasons :)
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Hi! I created the colorscheme file, but it indicates a lua error at startup. conky: llua_do_call: function conky_start_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
I've come to the point where a "" sign is inserted in line 10 of the drawer.lua file, and it doesn't interpret it.
That is the HTML color field. Which distro are you using?
I downloaded it again, installed it. This is still the fault. I'm using Kubuntu 20.04.
Very strange, I get it to work in 20.04 without issue...
Another comment. The file created in the cache folder searches for colors.xresources in the refresh_conky.sh file but does not find the colors.Xresources file. If I change it to small x all reasons :)
Ok... which version of pywal are you using?
There was an older wal on the plane. I updated it and everything is fine. Thanks
Can you open a bug isse at github, so we can take it from there?
Try my git; I think I fixed this error: https://github.com/xexpanderx/conky-drawer-interactive
git clone https://github.com/xexpanderx/conky-drawer-interactive.git And try if it works.
Hey guys, does this work? Throws a syntax error to me but I don't know if I am doing something wrong.
Hi, have you created a pywal colorscheme?