Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Description:use different screenshots of catalina on the web as a reference, and to support the creation of the theme also read the codes of some great mac style themes in gtk3, such as mcmojave, occasionally used some lines of it, however It is not enough to mention that I use it as a base, since I reiterate the theme has been created from 0,
The theme is being created solely for use in ElementaryOs.
the elements that characterize this theme are the transparencies present in part of the theme, such as the marlin / e-files side panel.
Currently I don't know any theme for elementary with these characteristics.
any contribution is welcome in the git repository.
note: consider that it is a beta, so there are still bugs that will be updated in the following versions
Ratings & Comments
10 Okay, not really, I just wasn't myself, sorry!
5 5 average All of the OS X themes tend to have the same bug. It affects hyperlinks as well as copy and paste in browsers, specifically Mozilla Firefox. I would love to use this theme. Waiting for a fix.
the theme is in beta, it still contains many errors, little by little it will improve
8 8 great
10 Y yo que acabo de salir de eOS... Bueno igual y luego para Odin lo pruebe.
9 9 excellent
First ...love your theme ! i got few issues i would like to bring to your attention . In Music player buttons for ffwr pause/play and rew look extra big . Is that by design ? Terminal background has no transparency . File manager seems to be missing handle to scroll up and down on the right . Also app menu when showing categories letters are kind of green . If you wish i can send you screenshot . Keep up great work and thank you !
thanks friend, I still haven't solved these problems, the topic is being written from 0, and honestly I am very amateur to create it very fast, I will improve what you mention
You are doing great . i will wait for your improvements . Also when using synaptic all txt is white and its hard to read . Best o luck of solving those problems !
Just tried new vesrion , good progress . Also your theme seems to mess Libre office look , could you check that . And google chrome window ddecorations are not consistent with rest of desktop . Also i switched rhythmbox for audio player and it looks just right . Keep up good work friend !
9 9 excellent