10Very nice! I especially appreciate the install script, it's convenient to git pull and run install.sh to update the theme, instead of downloading from gnome-look. I wish every theme developer did that.
10The best theme there is... Thank you I use the light-solid-grey theme under XFCE. Now I wanted to edit the gtk.css, but this refers to @import url("resource:///org/gnome/theme/gtk.css");. Where is it, how can I edit it?
Ratings & Comments
10 Excellent. Thanks developer!
9 bagus tema nya gan,,,tapi kok gk ad icon nya yah?
You should re-read the text above. The link is given to the icons theme. (as well as cursors, wallpapers, etc...)
10 Stunning replication of the Apple DE. Great job, a classic
Please support xhdpi.
You can install from github
Thank You !!!
hi @vinceliuice! Can i mantain stock buttons when installing Firefox Theme? Thank you and amazing beautiful work :-)
10 Perfect to go with your kvantum theme
I there any options to keep the activity button, i don't want to change it to icon
The best!
Download button is unclickable! Any solution please
10 One of the topmost theme for gnome. appreciate the work
10 perfect, i fell good with this theme
10 Im using Fedora and can i change apple icon shell to fedora icons? Thanks
UPDATE: i can change it with ./install.sh -i fedora thanks
In Ubuntu, Brave, download button is "light" and download is impossible. Reason? Thanks.
Did you try a different browser?
Yes, and download is possible. Probably some new restriction config in Brave.
10 Very nice! I especially appreciate the install script, it's convenient to git pull and run install.sh to update the theme, instead of downloading from gnome-look. I wish every theme developer did that.
10 The best theme there is... Thank you I use the light-solid-grey theme under XFCE. Now I wanted to edit the gtk.css, but this refers to @import url("resource:///org/gnome/theme/gtk.css");. Where is it, how can I edit it?
10 Thanks a lot!
Will we have the updated version for gnome shell 44.3? I just updated and it does not apply to all applications, compared to 42.9.
This is my favorite GTK theme hands down. Would it be possible to incorporate the Nord themes into the theme master zip on github?
Already have it, just run ./install.sh --nord to install nord version